He walks you down the aisle

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Harry - (His p.o.v)
I watched as the rows of people stood in our company. My baby sister looked beyond beautiful. Before we started walking I leant down slightly and whispered "Daddy would be proud of you my darling, no matter how old you get I will forever love you and I will have your back through thick and thin"

As I had to pass her over to her groom I felt a tear prick my eye, I was no longer the only man in her life, it wasn't me anymore that was going to be her shoulder to cry on.

(His p.o.v)
I held her had hand for one more time before letting her go to the man she loved.

It broke my heart to know I wasn't her prince any longer, she has someone else to look after her now.

"I hope I did you proud" I whisper as she plants a kiss on my cheek.
"Niall, I may have found my prince but you will always be my king" she whispered back.

Harry styles and Niall Horan BSM images Where stories live. Discover now