Its just you and him

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Niall 14- your parents died about 3 months ago. At first you lived with Greg then you decided to move in with niall. Niall was depressed and had to take a break from the band, you dropped out of school and Greg argued with Denise non stop. You were lost in a life that you once loved and you had no one to turn to.
It was exactly 3 months since you parents had died and you were sitting in your room thinking back through the memories.
"Y/n" niall called.
"Yeah" you whispered a tear rolling down your cheek.
"I know it's hard princess but we have to fight through it it will get better" he noticed you crying and pulled you into a hug.
"But I miss them so much it physically hurts" you let it all out.
You and niall both cuddled as you cried. You felt him start sobbing as you hugged him tighter.

Harry 17-
You clasped Harry's hands as you both sat waiting for you mum to tell you the results.
"I'm scared" you confessed, your voice slightly breaking.
"Me too baby" he whispered kissing your head.
Silence filled the room as your mum appeared.
"Im sorry" she cried rushing over to yours arms.
You both hugged onto her tight. "How long do to have?" You finally asked.
"We'll mummy is going into a special hospital until it's the end" she stopped her sentence to hold back her tears. "Which will be from 2 weeks to a month" she finally continued. You got up and ran out the hospital. You sat on the bench outside and took some time to take it all in.
About 20 minutes later Harry came out looking for you.
"Omg y/n why would you do that?" He cried pulling you into a hug.
"I'm hate everything, how can we live without a dad and now a mum" you screamed falling to the floor.
"Everything is just shit, why am I alive I wanna be dead!" You cried into your hands. Harry held you tight and rocked back and forth with you.
"Listen baby okay, I know our life has had more downs than up but we are blessed to be alive okay! We will help mum throughout her last few days with us" he said sternly. You nodded and pulled your self together. You both walked back to your mum and before you entered her room Harry whispered "be strong, we are in a bad position but she is in a much worser place right now." He then kissed you on the head

Harry styles and Niall Horan BSM images Where stories live. Discover now