You get jelous because he spends more time with another sibling

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Harry 12- Harry and Gemma had always seemed to be closer. You understood that it was because of the age gap between you all. Being the the yogurts never really had it's pros with you. You were always left out and wasn't able to do stuff they did. You knew that they love you obviously, but sometimes you would get jealous over the fact that they bonded more.

You, Gemma and Harry were all watching a film and Harry and Gemma were sitting cuddled up. You were scrunched up at the end feeling really left out. The funny part came on and Harry and Gemma started cracking up, you wanted to laugh but felt to upset.

"How come your not laughing?" Gemma asked.

you shrugged, you suddenly felt a year run down your face.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, pulling you towards them both.

"You like Gemma more than me and Gemma you like Harry more than me!" you cried burying your head in your hands.

"That's not true!" Gemma laughed pulling you into a hug.

"Yes it is I am always left out, you two do so much together, sometimes I feel like I'm not even your sister!" you whispered.

"Y/n don't be silly! you might feel like that but we love you so much your our little baby, me and Harry do more stuff together because we are closer in she and can do more stuff, but that doesn't mean we don't love you!" Gemma laughed kissing your head.

"Promise?" you asked looking up at your big brother and sister.

"Promise, and tomorrow how about we all go out together!" Harry suggested. You nodded and after that you and your siblings watched the rest of the film ad snuggled up together.

Niall 17- You had always been a girly-girly. Niall loved the fact that his baby sister was girly. Obviously being the only sister and being really girly had it's cons, for instance you were left out alot. Greg and Niall would always play fight and go out together and sit in each other's rooms, whilst playing video games and talking about girls. Even when Greg moved out they saw each other whenever the could.

Niall was home from tour for 2 days only and you were really excited. Your mum woke you up at 2:30 in the morning to go pick Niall up from the airport. You got there and as soon as you saw Niall you ran and jump into his arms. You were so excited to have your best friend back home.

"I missed you so much" you cried.

"I missed you too princess" he laughed spinning you around.

You both walked back to the car with your mum, you all sat down and drove home.

"So hunny, we set your bed up and tided your room" your mum said to niall.

"Oh mum, I was sort I planning to stay at Greg and denises, you know wanna see my brother and theo!" niall laughed.

"That's ok darling, be sure to see us tomorrow though!" mum said sounding a bit disappointed.

You looked at niall and felt so let down.

"But niall, I wanted to see you!" you confess. Niall just shrugged. You were gobsmacked by his response.

It was Sunday afternoon, and niall was to leave for tour in the next 4 hours. He hadn't even come to see me or mum!

You texted dad and he said that he had been staying at gregs with niall, denise and theo.

You grabbed your bag and stormed off to the nearest bus stop. You got on the bus that let you to gregs house.

Denise answered the door and invited you in.

"Is niall here?" you asked.

"Yeah he is in Theo's room, go up" Denise replied hanging up my coat and bag.

You walked up the stairs and into Theo's room.

You watched your big brother throwing you nephew around and playing with him. You welled up thinking back to when you and niall used to be like that.

"Oh hi y/n!" niall laughed bumping theo up and down.

"What's wrong?" he asked obviously noticing your tear.

"Why didn't you come see me, you don't even love me anymore I know you don't you much prefer greg!" you cried.

"That's not true!" he denied, whilst putting down theo into his cot.

"Bullshit! I know you prefer Greg you always have!"

"Y/n I love you the whole wide world, your my baby sister! I'm sorry I didn't see you but it's just I find it harder to leave you and mum behind rather than Greg and dad!" he admitted starting to cry himself.

"I love you so so so much and I'm sorry if you feel as if I prefer greg! I love you both equaly" he confessed bringing you into a hug.

You smiled as you hugged him back believing every word.

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