He teases you

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Harry 15-
"Give that back!" You yell jumping up from your seat.
"Who's this..?" He asked obviously noticing your chat with your boyfriend.

You shrugged and continued to chase him.
"Tell me who this is and I'll give you back the phone" he laughed holding you back with one hand an holding the phone in the air with the other.

You dropped your head and admitted it was your boyfriend.
"Ooooh y/n got a boyfriend!"
He repeated over and over again in the same catching tune as all the other times he said it.

He handed you your phone back and you thought it was over, untill you got loads of tweets through about a tweet harry had just posted. You clicked on it and read it,
"I can't believe my baby sister has a boyfriend whoever you are you are lucky an if you hurt her I will snap both your arms :)" later on the top trending hashtag was #findy/nstylesboyfriend

Niall 16- you had never been happy about your teeth. They were abit crooked. You noticed that ever since Nialls teethe had been fixed he was so mean about yours.

You were getting braces in a week and you was excited. Having bad teeth is already bad enough, but when you have basically the whole world sending you hate over your teeth your brother just tops it all off.

"Do you want some?" Niall asked presenting to you some carrot sticks.
You nodded and took one.
"Hey now you do look like a rabbit" he erupted into a fit of laughter and ended up doing his stupid silent laugh whilst clapping his hands thing. You were so clueless on why the fans found it cute.

You gave niall a dirty look and trust me if looks could kill niall would be flat out dead.

"Your do horrible, are you happy now?!" You cried walking upstairs.
"Y/' I didn't mean to make you cry!" He ran after you suddenly being serious.
"Oh really, cause everyday you make me cry! You always make fun of my teeth!" You sobbed before running upstairs to vanish into a pile of duvets and pillows.

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