He gets you to meet your favourite band

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Harry 15- You quickly grabbed your hair brush and jumped onto the sofa as Patrick's solo was about to come on.

"Hey y/n?" Harry suddenly burst through the door.
"Harry what?" You groaned pausing the music.
"You like fall out boy?" He asked surprised.
"Like? I fucking love them!" You laughed.
"Oi language!" He chuckled, trying to be serious at the same time.
"Well how would you like front row tickets to see them in concert tomorrow night?" Harry asked casually pulling out two tickets.
"Are you kidding? Yes, yes, yes.... thank you so much harry your the best brother ever woo hoooo, here I come sexy boys!" You laughed, jumping onto harry like a koala.

Niall 13- You had just arrived at the concert and you and Niall was escorted backstage immediately. Your heart was racing and your palms got all clammy from excitement and nerves.

Suddenly, the fall out boys all walked through the door greeting you and your brother. You was speechless, and just before you thought it couldn't get any better, Peter leant in to kiss your cheek before saying, "You look beautiful y/n, I have never met a girl so stunning!"

After you had all sat down and spoke for ages, you were sent back out to front row and waited for the show to begin, just before it started you whispered to you brother, "How did u do all this?", "Oh I know them really well."

"What ? How come I didn't know this?" You asked shocked.
"Shhh hear they come" He laughed.

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