He baths you

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Harry 13- you had a terrible day at school, you failed your test, you had an hour detention after school and your boyfriend dumped you for your bestfriend.

Nothing else could of possibly been worse, until you realised you were locked out. For a short amount of time you didn't mind just sitting in the front garden thinking about everything, then it started to rain.

You picked up your bags and sprinted to the bus stop. you checked your phone and the next bus would be in 20 minutes!

You decided to run to Harry's instead, it was only 20 minutes away.

You slung your bag over your dripping wet hair and ran to your brothers.

You arrived and quickly you knocked on the door.

"Y/n what are you doing outside in the rain!" he said as soon as he opened the door.

"I was locked out and ... and..." You couldn't finish, your eyes welled up and you felt sick.

"Come in baby, what's wrong?" Harry asked pulling you inside.

You followed him into the front room where you accompanied by the boys.

"Y/n why are you so wet?" Liam asked sitting up right.

"she got locked out and walked here" Harry explained.

"Why didn't you ring one of us?" louis interrupted.

You shrugged and felt more tears fall.

"Come on let's get you bathed" Harry cooed walking you upstairs.

You lowered yourself into the bath, and hid with the small bubble topping.

"What's really wrong kiddo?" Harry asked me, rubbing my back.

"He dumped me for Lisa!" You cried.

"Oh baby don't worry, we wasn't all that great anyway, you can do so much better!" he said softly kissing my cheek. You nodded and continued to bath.

After your bath Harry lent you a big top of his and you both went downstairs and watch loads of movies with the boys. After a while, you had forgotten all about your terrible day.

Niall 2- his POV- I was so scared but excited at the same time I was finally able to give a bath to my baby sister without any help. I run the bath the perfect temperature and didn't add any soap apart from the baby stuff mum had demanded I use.
I pick up my fragile sister and slowly put her into the bath, it wasn't her first bath but still. She started splashing and jumping about. I watched her with so much happiness as I started taking pictures. I tweeted one later on to show the world how cute my baby sister is.

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