You have a massive arguemnt part 2

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A/n: this was requested !!

Niall 13- "y/n can I come in?" You heard. Quickly you threw your journal to the other side of the room and opened the door to find your brother standing there with tears in his eyes.
"What?!" No sympathy in your words.

"I didn't mean any of that I'm sorry, I love you so much it actually hurts and for Greg he admires you literally all we talk about is how proud we are of you" Niall cried.
You were stubborn normally and this was no excuse not to be.
You walked to the other side of your room and was lost in your thought until you heard Niall gasp.
"Y/n what's this?"
"What's what?" You asks confused.
"You said that you wanna die that you wanna disap..." Niall broke down into tears as he read the last sentence.
"Niall I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" You begged.
"You wanna kill yourself because of ... Because of me?" He croaked.
You nodded feeling so guilty.
"I love you and it's not because of you it's because of your career!"
"You have brought so much fame upon us and I get so much hate, I never see you and sometimes you act like I'm nothing but a fan I love you but lately you have been letting the fame get to your head" you cried feeling bad instantly.
"I'm so sorry if that's what you think I know I need to change and I will I'm so sorry I hate arguing and we will get you help yeah" he said trying to comfort you.
you nodded not fully believing his pledge to change.
After a few hours of talking and confessing Niall left your room to go make dinner before he walked down the stairs he shouted "y/n horn I love you too the moon and back!"

Harry 19- You and Harry didn't speak for at least 2 months. It killed you to know what your brother truly thought of you. Your mums birthday was coming up and she was having a party you knew that you would have to see Harry and knowing your mother she would lock you both in a room together until you made up.
It was the party and you were right you mum did make you speak to him.
"You alright y/n you look pretty" Harry said giving you an awkward hug.
"Thanks and yeah I'm fine getting abit smothered living here now" you laughed.
"You can come back and live with me I've been missing you!" Harry announced surprising you.
"No it's fine!" You said bluntly.
"Listen I'm sorry for what I said last time we spoke,the argument got blown way out of proportion I'm honestly so sorry I didn't mean a word!" He begged. You couldn't resist your brothers love and you instantly forgave him.

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