Link on the Run

897 14 42

(Revali, Link, Mipha, Urbosa, Daruk, Zelda, Sooga, and Master_Kohga joined the chat)

REVALI: Well well welll HERO. Purah and Robbie fixed my name after you SCREWED IT UP AND MADE IT PERMANENT 

ZELDA: Yeah Link that was kinda mean

URBOSA: Agreed

DARUK: Link needs a punishment

MIPHA: but- but-

LINK: I thought yall were my friends! I thought we were gonna take down Revali together!

SOOGA: Revali must be paying them a lot to do this!

URBOSA: F you Yiga Craphead

(Sooga was kicked off the chat)


(Master_Kohga left the chat)

ZELDA: Now that they're out of the way, we can get to work


REVALI: I've got the spiked boko bat

URBOSA: And we're gonna beat Link with it, by hitting his back

MIPHA: I don't know doesn't that sound a bit violent-

REVALI: You can heal him to make sure he doesn't die  

LINK: wtf! DId you guys become psycho maniacs over night or something?

ZELDA: No, we're just carrying out justice

(Zelda added King_Rhoam to the chat)

KING_RHOAM: I order that Link, son of Frank, be executed!


DARUK: Rest in peace, little guy

URBOSA: It has to be done

REVALI: Well, what're yall watin for? Kill him already!

KING_RHOAM: Shut it bird, I give the orders here. Kill Link

LINK: Oh f-

(Link banned everyone from the Champion's Group Chat)


(Link created Fugitive's Group Chat)

(Link added Runk and Sooga to the chat)

SOOGA: So did the other champions turn on you?

LINK: Yes they did. Now I'm on the Run

SOOGA: You can trust the Yiga Clan! We may or may not have killed King Dorephan's brother so we may or may not be enemies of Hyrule again-

RUNK: Master Kogha got arrested and imprisoned for treason, so Sooga is in charge now

SOOGA: Yes. Now I'm the only Top Banana

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