Link Returns (Again)

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(Link joined the chat)

LINK: zzzzzzz

JEFF: Typing in your sleep again, link?

LINK: zzzzzz

JEFF: Wake Up Link

LINK: huh


LINK: !#!#&!&!& who turned voice chat on!??

JEFF: I did. It's part of the Group Chat 2.0 update

LINK: the heck? Why am I in the middle of some unknown forest on a group chat?


LINK: Who is Jeff?

(Jeff's name was changed to Revali)

REVALI: It's me Revali. Somebody hacked me the other day and changes my name to Jeff, and I didn't change it back until now

LINK: Jeff Bezos?

REVALI: Uh sure

LINK: Cool

REVALI: Anyways you must return to Hyrule 

LINK: Im in Hyrule. Last thing I remember, I got banned from the chat for punching you or something

LINK: That was yesterday right?

REVALI: More like six months ago

LINK: #&@#*&@*@ 6 months?

REVALI: A lot has happened in your absence, Link

REVALI: $r#e&t&u%r*n(%t%o(h%y$r*u$l*e$l*i#n(k

LINK: Is that a new  glitch font or something. I like this update

(Revali left the chat)

(Revali unfriended Link)

LINK: That was weird

LINK: Wait you can friend people now? Sweet. I better get Beedle's friend code to demand arrows

(Link successfully hacked Beedle's 3DS)

LINK: Bruh who uses a 3DS to get internet. Fella must be broke or something

LINK: Anyways I have the friend code

LINK: Now who am I even talking to

(Beedle was hacked into the chat by Link)


(Beedle was interrupted by Link)

LINK: Interrupt feature? Not sure how that even makes sense but okay

BEEDLE: Oh its just link. Sorry I thought you were one of the Feds

LINK: Feds? You mean the Knights of Hyrule?

BEEDLE: Their full name is the Federal Knights of Hyrulean Investigation

LINK: woah

BEEDLE: I took Honors Government

LINK: Where did you go to school

BEEDLE: When I was young my pops took me to a strange underground building and some angry people educated me. One day these soldiers came and killed all of them, and put me in this big white room, and I spent four years there until the time came for me to go to high school

LINK: That's creepy. I don't like creepy stories

(Link banned Beedle from the chat)

(Link unfriended Beedle)

LINK: Who needs friends, when one can have solitude

LINK: This is boring. Oh well, I wonder where the others all are? I guess I'll just do me some hackin

LINK: ah crap I didn't mean to hack you King Rhoam

(Link left the chat)

Author's Note: Hey guys sorry for not making a chapter for a few months, I was busy. I will try to get the next chapter out in March

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