Ravioli with a side of Salt

102 2 3

(Link, Zelda, Mipha, Daruk, and Urbosa joined the chat)

LINK: Sup my good friends

REVALI: Anybody want to buy a giant statue of Revali

LINK: Damn that's even more inaccurate than the Amiibo!

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LINK: Damn that's even more inaccurate than the Amiibo!

REVALI: The hell are you saying?

DARUK: Did you guys hear about the cocaine they found in Hyrule Castle

LINK: I think this Revali statue is more accurate to the in-game representation, contrary to what these sculptors may think

LINK: I think this Revali statue is more accurate to the in-game representation, contrary to what these sculptors may think

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REVALI: Is that joke not getting old by now? Like damn that Ravioli joke is so old it probably would look like this

REVALI: Is that joke not getting old by now? Like damn that Ravioli joke is so old it probably would look like this

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LINK: You are not funny birb

REVALI: Did you just call me a birb? What the hell are you on man

DARUK: Cocaine probably

URBOSA: Daruk, forgive me but can you shut up about Cocaine

DARUK: Sorry 'bosa, i just been hitting it with the Cartel lately when we do those business deals with the distributors

ZELDA: Wait there's Cartels in Hyrule?

DARUK: Yeah well, when the Yiga Clan turned good it seems they left a power vaccum in the criminal world, and it just so happens that the only thing the Yiga Clan do nowadays instead of being evil is mass producing addictive drugs that they sell to Cartels


URBOSA: Well Daruk you need to quit hanging out with these bad people

(Daruk left the chat)

LINK: Speaking of mummy ganondorf, what do ya'll think of TotK Ganondorf?

REVALI: Man is BADASS like wtf with the demon king form and the army and crap. Though the fact he's a different ganon from OoT pisses me off.

URBOSA: Why the hell would he be cool, he gives my people a bad name. Until 2017, my people were considered evil villains!

LINK: (Cough, cough) Four Swords Adventures

REVALI: We don't talk about that asinine game. Four Links??? Literal hell. One is bad enough. If there were four links i bet one of them would take my job on Vah Medoh! 

REVALI: Oh wait, I must apologize, I forgot you Links have no way of making up to that Divine Beast on your own!

LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYhcn85S3MY&vl=en


URBOSA: Roasted thanksgiving dinner. It's gonna take the entire Gerudo Icehouse to fix that burn

LINK: More like the whole Hebra Province

(Daruk joined the chat)

MIPHA: So, Link, how's your day today?

LINK: You tell me, we've been in the same room since we woke up

DARUK: Kinda sus

(Link kicked Daruk off the chat)

MIPHA: U-Uhhh U-ummm

ZELDA: Well Link, you better not be late to my place tomorrow.

LINK: Alright, also guys, I made a tier list of everyone we know

URBOSA: Kinda morally weird but alright, let's see it

LINK: Here it is

MIPHA: Tbh Muzu deserves it

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MIPHA: Tbh Muzu deserves it

ZELDA: Why is the weird painter guy in B Tier!???

REVALI: That Kaneli guy has serious problems, I got a leg bone to pick with hime

DARUK:  🤣 🤣 🤣

REVALI: Are you mocking the expressions of Rito Culture?

DARUK: Most certainly not

REVALI: I've got my eye on you, rock man

URBOSA: Well I take this as a sign of respect, so thank you Link

(Urbosa left the chat)

REVALI: Honestly kinda surprised I scraped a B Tier on this list like wtf

DARUK: I'm S Tier material, always ready to rumble y'know?

MIPHA: U-um, S+ Tier is a little, extreme, don't you think?

LINK: I mean you're pretty cool, I'm pretty cool, and so is Master Kohga. And we're all pretty hot too.

DARUK: What the f*ck

(Daruk left the chat)

REVALI: I certainly hope you mistook him for Sooga

(Revali left the chat)

(Zelda left the chat)

LINK: I was joking, jeez

(Link left the chat)

(Mipha left the chat)

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