The French Mistake: Part Two

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"Misha? Jensen? What's up with the names around here?" Dean exclaims.

"You guys! You really punked me! I'm totally gonna tweet this one," Misha calls out after you with a laugh.

"I just want to dig my finger in my brain and scratch until we're back in Kansas."

You three walk past the trailer that the actors use, and you stop short when you see the one named 'J. Ackles', and you know that it's supposed to be Dean's trailer.

"Hey, J. Ackles," you verbally point out.

"That's fake me! So this must be fake mine!"

He heads up the stairs and into the trailer with you and his brother following behind him. It's a big trailer, and there is definitely a lot of fancy stuff in here. This Jensen guy must be loaded if he has all this stuff–a toy helicopter, a three hundred gallon fish tank with live fish, a flat screen TV with Dean on it, and a bunch of other plush items.

"Damn, Jensen, you got it packed."

"Don't call me that," Dean shudders.

"Hey check this out," Sam says and heads over to the couch where there is a laptop on the coffee table. "Here we go. Let's see who this guy is."

Sam uses his professional research skills to dig up some dirt on Jensen Ackles, like who is he? Where is he from? What has he done? Is he dangerous?

"Well, he's not a hunter, but he plays one on TV," Dean notes, pointing to the TV with his face on it. He looks around and picks up a magazine with his, Sam's, and your faces on it. You're super serious and not pregnant because you look a lot thinner than you are right now. "Come on, look at these modeling sons of bitches. Nice 'blue steel', Sam."

"Hey. Apparently, it's our job. Alright, uh, here goes. Um, it says you're from Texas, and it says you were on a soap opera."

"What?" you and Dean ask at the same time.

You two head over to Sam and he plays the clip that's attached to whatever website he's on.

Dean is so much younger, maybe around twenty-two, and you know it's him because you remember him looking like this. You remember every stage Dean went through, and it's being replayed in your mind right now. The clip is playing, him and some woman are talking to one another, but you're not paying too much attention to it.

"Don't like this universe, Sammy," Dean slams the laptop shut. "We need to get out of this universe."

"No argument here, but I don't think our prayers are reaching Cas–the real Cas."

"Well, I agree. I think we are definitely out of, uh, soul-phone range. However, we can reverse Balthazar's spell. I watched every move." Dean searches for some paper and a pen, and once he got it, he began drawing some symbol on it. "We just get the ingredients, get back to that same window, and then there's no place like home."

"Good plan. We should start searching the crash site. Maybe something from our world came back with us," you suggest. "And while we're at it, let's avoid Misha. I don't think I can handle another kiss from him. I am really not going to be able to look at Castiel the same way again."

Luckily, Misha was nowhere to be found when you got back to the crash site, and not a lot of people were paying attention to you anyway. The crew members were still cleaning up the site, but there are still a lot of things left behind. It's weird to see your dad's house as part of a set, but you have to push those uncomfortable feelings aside so you can focus on getting back home. Dean remembers everything that Balthazar used, so in theory, everything should be in this house.

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