Mommy Dearest: Part Two

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There are two teams to figure out what the hell Eve is doing in this small town and what she has planned for the people in it. You're squarely on team Dean and Castiel, and Sam is on your dad's team. You only think it's set that way because Dean didn't want to let you out of his sight. Fair enough—if you're going to be carrying his daughter, then he should know where you are and all that jazz.

While Sam and your dad went to find out what they could from Dr. Silver's house, you and the other two men went to his office to see if he was there. Apparently you're a little too late because a woman, presumably one of the women who works there, is locking the doors behind her. Either you just missed Dr. Silver or he hasn't been in today.

"Excuse me. Hi, uh, is Dr Silver in today?" Dean asks and points to you.

"Yes, I had some questions about my pregnancy that I'd like to ask him. I hear he's very good," you chuckle.

"Oh, well, he's out. Sorry," the woman shrugs.

"Do you happen to know here he is?"

"He hasn't called in. You might want to try the hospital that's down the block. I'm sure they can answer your questions."

She doesn't give out any more information and leaves you three on the street. You're confused about one thing: if Dr. Silver called the CDC, then why is he gone? What is he running from, and most importantly, who is chasing him. Apparently, Dean has the same thoughts.

"What kind of doctor calls the CDC and then goes AWOL the very next day? Let's have a look, shall we?"

He takes out his lock picking kit and works on the lock, but the angel is kind of impatient. He'd teleport inside, but his powers aren't working at the moment.

"Is this gonna take a long time?" Castiel asks.

"Move, let me do it. I can get us in there in five seconds," you offer.

"Wait a minute," Dean says and bends down to the ground and touches something on the ground.

When he looks at his hand, he realizes there is blood on it. To the left of you three is a shed that is hidden from the street's view unless someone was standing next to the door. The trail of blood leads to the shed door that is also locked. However, this lock is a lot older than the one on the office's door, so it's easily breakable. You walk over to it and grab it, using your magic on it so that when you twist and yank, it breaks easily. You open the door and gasp when you see Ed Bright wrapped in plastic on the ground.

"Ohh," you groan in disgust.

"It's the patient Ed Bright," Castiel says.

"Well what kind of doctor calls the CDC, and then stashes the gooey corpse in the shed?" Dean asks.

"I don't understand what's happening here," the angel says, and you're thinking the same thing.

"Well, I know one thing about the body. We need some kerosene."

"You do that in a place full of people. I'm going to tell my dad and Sam about this. I'm sure they have Ed's address somewhere on that iPad of theirs."

You step away from the body and message Sam about what is going on. It doesn't take long for you to receive a message back, and when you do, it's Ed's address. You wait for Dean and Castiel to be done with whatever they are doing, and luckily, they are being quiet about it. They are in and out in about ten minutes, and the. you're heading over to Ed's address where your dad and Sam are already waiting.

"So, we've got a missing doctor and an oozy patient, huh?" Dean states when he gets out of the car.

"Yeah. Plot thickens," Sam nods.

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