Appointment in Samarra: Part Three

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Sam doesn't get back until the very late hours of the night. You can't sleep knowing he's out there, so you and your dad wait up until he comes home. When he does, you grow angry and cross your arms.

"Does there need to be an ass kicking?"

"Calm down, I didn't hurt anyone. I just drove around. No biggie," Sam shrugs.

"Mhmmm," you glare and take a seat at the table where you and your dad were playing poker.

Sam sees this and decides he wants to play, but you're not playing for fun. Your dad sets up the cards as he hands Sam a beer. Your iced tea is half full, and you're ready to play the most intense game of poker ever. It's even more intense than the poker game you had with the witch that used poker chips as lives.

"Let's make this interesting, shall we?" you ask as your dad deals the cards.

"What is it?"

"If I win, we do things my way. Stop interfering with Dean and I trying to save your life. I'm getting sick and tired of you, which is something I never thought I'd say."

"When I win, you don't go looking for my soul. I don't want it."

"You sound confident. Think you're going to win, don't you? I remember you couldn't even bluff correctly," you chuckle humorlessly.

"I've gotten pretty damn good."

"Yeah, so am I," you state. "Deal. Let's play."

The beginning of the game goes by without a hitch, and everyone deals and throws in chips where they can. Your dad can feel the tension between you and Sam. He doesn't like it, and he's not sure what might happen at the end of it all. He knows Sam won't ever stop trying to prevent you and Dean from getting his soul, and he knows you won't listen and continue to look for it. You're not sure if this whole thing with Death is going to be good or not, so you can't rely on it.

The game passes with your dad folding and dealing, starting new games and ending them until it's just you and Sam left. He's distracted, you can tell that much about him. He keeps looking behind you at something, but you don't want to look behind you. If he's trying to keep it a secret, then you don't want to give away that you know exactly what he's looking at.

It's moments like these that you love being a witch. One hand is on your stomach as he decides what to do, and you use that hidden visibility to your advantage. Your magic mists around your fingers, and you look at the mirror behind Sam. It's not pointed toward the kitchen, so you force it to turn so you can see what he's looking at. Your dad sees this, but he doesn't give away anything either.

"Pair of aces. Go," Sam interrupts your focus.

Luckily for you, the mirror is exactly where you want it to be. His eyes go back to whatever is behind you, and you see he's staring at a wrench that's sitting on the counter. Your eyes snap back to his, and you know his intentions aren't good. Your dad sees the same thing, and he clears his throat.

"Want another one?" your dad offers him another beer.

"Yeah, sure."

"I need some more tea," you say and get up to follow your dad to the kitchen.

Both yours and your dad's back are turned to Sam, but you can feel him coming towards you—or your dad. At the last second, you turn with angry, bright blue eyes. Your right hand grips his throat tightly, and your left hand stops by his head. Your magic from your left is swirling around his own hands to keep them from hitting you or your dad. He has the wrench in his hands, and you knew you had a bad feeling.

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