The Man Who Would Be King: Part One

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You're having another dream. You're getting good at distinguishing them between what they are and reality. For example, you know that your dreams contain at least some semblance of your first child that died. There will always be some mention of her or a picture of her that screams, "Don't forget me!!". How could you forget her? She was a big part of your life, and you regret not bringing her into the world every single day.

Another reason why you know this is a dream is because you feel Amara's presence a lot stronger than if you were awake. She is here somewhere, you just don't know where. You have to go looking for her, so you set off throughout your house to do it. Another reason you know this is a dream is because you're in a house much nicer than your dad's and a helluva lot better than the motel rooms you've been holding up in.

You walk up the stairs, and the feeling gets stronger. The baby's room is right by the stairs, and you see a dark figure inside her room. Amara is here, and she is so fond of your daughter. It's like she is obsessed with you having your kid. Maybe that should scare you, but no matter how scared you are of her, there will always be a part of you that tells you she is a safe person.

"Amara, what are you doing?" you ask.

She turns and smiles when she makes eye contact with you. She is holding a wrapped bundle in her arms, and you know it's supposed to represent your daughter that is still in your womb. It's why you can't see her face. You don't know what she is going to look like.

"Put her down, Amara," you growl. Thankfully, she doesn't argue, and she places her back into the crib. "What is it going to take to make you go away and leave me alone?"

"Like it or not, I will always be here. We're connected in ways you don't understand."

"Then make me understand. Why me?"

"You'll understand when I want you to. The time just isn't now. Just know that it's your magic that plays a big part between us."

"Would we still be connected if I weren't a witch?"

"Yes, but not as strong. It's your magic that allows these interactions between us to happen."

A thought suddenly presents itself in your head, and you let out a shaky breath at the thought of it being true.

"Is my daughter going to be a witch, too?"

"Yes," she confirms your thoughts. "She'll get her powers in her own time."

"What does that mean?"

"You tapped into your power when you were twenty-six. It could be different for her. It could be earlier or later. It's whenever she is ready for that kind of responsibility."

"Are you saying that I wasn't responsible before then?"

"I'm saying your body knew it could handle the magic at that time. Everyone is different, Y/N," she sighs.

"What would happen if she didn't have powers, but was still connected to you? Would she be weaker because she wouldn't have magic to help her deal with you?" you ask.

Amara opens her mouth to answer, but she mists away before she has a chance to say anything.

You wake up in the front seat of Dean's car, still reeling from your dream with Amara. If there is any chance at all that she isn't real, and it's just your magic making you see her, then you're going to be pissed. You could think that, but then there are angels and monsters who say that she is real, so you're not sure what to think.

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