Mannequin 3: The Reckoning: Part Two

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The weird thing about this case is that the deaths don't make sense because of their location. Before, it was in a college science lab, but now it's in a mannequin factory. If you thought someone was watching you before, then you know someone is watching you now. The factory is filled with nothing but dismembered mannequin dolls. It's really creepy normally, but now it's pure horror.

"You better not want dolls, babe," you say to your unborn child.

Sam is walking around with an EMF reader while Dean is looking around and trying to put the pieces of this puzzle together. This case just doesn't make any sense, but you're going to figure this out because people depend on you to save them. Sam takes a few steps to a big laundry basket full of mannequin body parts when the EMF reader goes off.

"Dean? Y/N," Sam says and motions you over to him. "This thing's humming."

"So, what you're telling me is that we got killer dolls on the loose? First that anatomy dummy and now these things? Are you fucking kidding me, Sam?" you ask and cross your arms.

"He's not joking," Dean confirms. "Sam, you have to know how fucking creepy that is."

"I mean, if ghosts can possess humans and move objects, why can't they possess this?"

"I suppose, but riddle me this, bat boy—ghosts aren't exactly known for hopping county lines, right?"

"True," Sam sighs.

"We have a college science lab, and now a mannequin factory three towns over?"

"It doesn't add up," Sam shakes his head.

"Well, what if the ghost isn't possessing a thing, but a person? Someone who traveled to both places."

"That's definitely an option. So, we'll dig... over there," Dean points across the room, away from all the mannequins. "I don't like the way Kim Cattrall's looking at me."

"We should check the office here. We can see who has a connection to the science lab," you take the lead.

The officers showed you where the office was when you first arrived, so you lead the brothers to it. Luckily, there is a couch for you to lay on, and you do that while the brothers take purchase at the desk to do their work. It's nice to finally lay down, and you let out a relieved sigh when you relax.

Sam and Dean work endlessly to figure out if there is a connection between the factory and the science lab—who was at both places around the time of the murders?

"Well, this dead guy's as squeaky clean as the last dead guy," Dean groans. "I can't find a speck of dirt on him. You?"

"Nothing," Sam sighs but continues to scroll through articles. "Well, here's a speck. Uh, a seamstress named Rose Brown went missing over a year ago. Uh, the cops just gave up on her. She was last seen at the factory, presumed dead. Survived by sister Isabel."

"Yeah, wanna bet she's the vengeful spirit?" you say.

"Let's lay the sis a visit," Sam chuckles.

You're about to get up when Dean's phone rang. You know who is calling without even looking at it. She's so fucking needy, that woman.

"Answer the damn phone, Dean!" you yell, "Before I do, and trust me, she doesn't want to be hearing from me!"

Dean glares at you, but he gets up and walks to the other side of the room to take the call. You groan and gently slam your head on the couch. Both of them are getting on your nerves. If they are going to date, then they should date. If they aren't, then she needs to stop stringing him along.

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