My Heart Will Go On: Part Three

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You're in so much pain, your sobs have turned to wails, tears stain your face, and your hands grow tighter on your head. All of these images aren't just images... they are memories. Memories of who? The people on the ship? That little mini movie wasn't so much a memory, but a recount of something that happened. Were they your memories? But why? When did you have them?

"Dean!" Ellen yells again, and he leaves your side to pick up the phone. "What is going on?"

"Nothing, Ellen. We're fine. Just please keep digging."

Dean hangs up and looks at Sam who is sitting on the other side of the room with his laptop open in front of him.

"Y/N, please talk to me," he begs.

"It's my head again. I saw the Titanic sink. It was sunk by an iceberg, Dean," you cry softly as soon as the pain subsides.

"The RMS Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world when it made its maiden voyage across the North Atlantic in 1912," Sam says.

Of course, he would do research about the ship when you're in so much fucking pain.

"So, what's the big fucking deal? It's a ship. It sailed."

"It sank," you whimper quietly.

"Yeah, I don't know. Um... oh, it looks like there was a close call. Ship almost hit an iceberg."

"Almost?" he asks, and he looks at you in confusion.

He never said anything about an iceberg. Maybe what you're spewing is the truth. He doesn't know what to think—just that he hates seeing you in pain.

"Yeah, it looks like the first mate spotted it just in time."

"Good for him. There anything else?"

"Wait a second. This first mate is Mr. I.P. Freeley."

"Well, that's not suspicious. You got a picture of old Freeley?" Dean asks.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," Sam groans.

He turns the computer around to show that the first mate is, in fact, Balthazar.

"I'm not crazy. He's doing this to me," you sniffle and wipe your tears away.

"Let's summon the son of a bitch."

"Go, I'll be okay," you whisper.

Dean leaves your side to help Sam since he knows you're going to be okay. What you didn't tell him is that you're getting another one of your splitting headaches. You fire your magic to full power to counteract the pain, but that doesn't stop the memories from filtering through your brain.

"Okay, this is it. I'll see you on the other side. Probably sooner than later," Dean chuckled humorlessly.

"Make it later," she sighed.

Dean puts the button in Jo's hand. She didn't like this even though it was necessary for survival. He kissed her forehead meaningfully before pulling away. Ellen came back and took a seat next to her daughter. Mother and daughter stared at one another before Ellen smiled.

"Mom, no."

"Somebody's gotta let them in. Like you said, you're not moving. You got me, Jo, and you're right, this is important. But I will not leave you here alone."

"Ellen," you got tears again.

"Get going now," she sniffled.


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