First Time Meeting

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Dean~ It was in a bar. I was having a rough night and really just needed a drink. I was sitting at the bar, waiting for my drink to come, when a guy with bright green eyes and a leather jacket walked in. He was pretty good looking other than the fact that he seemed to have had an awful day. I quickly looked forward again not wanting to get caught staring, when the bartender brought me my drink. I thanked him and took a sip of my drink.

"Just a beer, thanks." A voice muttered next to me, I looked over and the guy I had just seen by the door was sitting next to me.

"Wow, you look like you've been to Hell and back. Are you okay?" I asked him, trying to help.

"Hell you don't the first part, but I'm better now, since your here." He winked, I just smirked back at the cheesy pick-up line.

"How cute."

"Actually, I think I'm adorable. So what's your name?" He questioned.

"(Y/N), you?"

"I'm Dean." He smiled. God even his name was hot, I thought before carrying on a conversation about the best burgers in town.

Sam~ It was at the library. I was at the library quite frequently, to be honest I was there everyday. I was more of a person that kept to myself rather than go out and party. The library was just a place I could sneak off and be myself in my own little world. I was reading one of my favorite books, "My Sister's Keeper", when I looked up and noticed him walk in. He was gorgeous! The way his brown hair fell and he had that soft smile on his face. I saw him search through the library and return with a stack of books, before walking over to the computer. Wow must be one hell of a class assignment.

I continued to read my book, trying to not be distracted by the boy sitting just a few feet away. It had been hours later when I looked up again to realize he had fallen asleep. We were the only two left in the library, other than the librarian, and I decided it was late enough, for both of us. I walked ever to him, and softly tapped on his shoulder.

"Excuse me?" I questioned him.

He softly shook a little before raising his head, "Oh, hey".

"Hi, I uh saw that you kinda dozed off, and well it's late and I just thought I'd wake you up." I told him, trying not to sound nervous.

"Oh, well thanks!" He smiled he had a gorgeous smile.

"Your welcome, well I should get going, bye...?"

"Oh yeah, I'm Sam, and you are..?" Sam questioned back, smiling.


"Well, goodnight (Y/N), I hope to see you again" Sam smiled.

"Goodnight Sam." I smiled back before grabbing you book and leaving, looking back at him one last time, before exiting the library.

Castiel~ It was at a park. I was walking through the park, just admiring all of the beautiful nature. I must have got caught up in looking at the ground, because the next thing I knew I hit something hard, and I was on it.

"Ahhhh." I screamed hitting the ground, a bruise already starting to form.

"Oh, I apologize, I didn't see you there, please let me help you up." A man above me, with bright beautiful eyes, spoke, bending down and placing a hand on mine.

"Oh, no it's not your fault, I wasn't paying attention, but I swear you just popped up out of no where." I giggled, letting him help me up.

"My name is Castiel, what's your name?" Castiel smiled, and it was perfect.

"I'm (Y/N)" I smiled back.

"It's very nice to meet you. Would you care to join me?" He motioned farther towards the park.

"I would love that Castiel." Castiel grabbed my hand and led me forward.

A/N: Soo?? What did you think? Please comment below and let me know, oh and don't forgot to request! ~Payton✌️

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