Dean Winchester Imagine~ Isolation (Part 1)

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~Requested by: Kate_waters67

"Yes, we're fine.  I thought you were supposed to be resting?" I spoke through the phone to Sam who was worrying about Dean and I.  Lately Sam had been receiving no sleep and looked exhausted.  Dean demanded that he stayed home on this hunt and Sam did argue at first but soon gave in to the thought of a day of just resting. Anyway it wasn't something we hadn't hunted before.  It was just a wendigo, a small hunt.

"Yeah yeah.  I just want to be sure, stay safe okay?" He told me.  I answered back telling him it was and that we would be safe.  We then both said good bye and hung up. I then slid the phone into my bag and walked over to Dean.

"Sammy? Again?" Dean asked me as he continued to place the flare guns in the bag.  I nodded and grabbed my gun sitting next to him. 

"He was just making sure we would be safe." I smiled at the thought of Sam checking up on us.  I honestly loved how much he cared for his brother and I.  Even if he was mad he would check up on us and that meant a lot. 

"Of course he was." Dean smiled before picking the duffle bag up and tossing it over his shoulder.  I grabbed my bag which contained our food and threw it over my shoulder too. I then pulled the travel map out of the back pocket of my shorts and opened it up searching for our location. 
"So it looks like it should be about an four hour hike from where we are at right now.  That's where the most recent murder was." I told Dean.  He nodded and we began walking north towards our destination. 

(Three hours later)

"Hey (Y/N), let's rest for a minute I'm starving!" Dean groaned.  I looked around and walked over to a large rock and sat down.  Dean walked over and threw his bag down and leaned back against it.  I pulled my bag from off my back and slid the map into it.  After that I pulled out a sandwich, granola bar, and a water from my bag and passed them down to Dean.  "Man how I could go for a burger right now." He sighed. 

"Well it looks like you'll have to settle for a ham sandwich." I told him as I pulled out my own food.  After eating I pulled the map back out and opened it searching for our coordinates. "Alright looks like another hour and we'll be there." Dean groaned as I spoke.  I hoped up and reached down to pull Dean up.  After we gathered our stuff we started walking again. After another hour of small talk we finally reached the our destination.

"We're here." I slid my map in my pocket and tossed my bag down.

"Damn, it took us long enough." Dean tossed the bag down and opened it up grabbing out both flare guns and the ammo. "Alright here you go." Dean handed me the flare gun. 
"Okay it-" I began to speak but stopped when I heard a noise. "Dean, did you hear that?" I turned around and pulled up my shot gun. "Ahhhh!" A high pitched voice shouted.  I spun around and looked at Dean worried.
"Follow me." Dean demanded.  We began to run in the direction we heard the noise from but we couldn't find anything. Dean looked around angrily and then back at me. "Son of a bitch!" He shouted and started to run back to our bags.  I shouted his name and followed him, but was in shock when we reached to where our intact bags once sat.  Now all that sat there was some torn fabric.

"What the hell happened to our stuff?" I bent down and grabbed the fabric.  Dean picked up a rock and chucked it angrily before answering me.
"It was a trap, the damn thing set us up."  I placed my hand on my back pocket and pulled out the map.

"We still have this, and our flares." I told him.

"What about your phone?" He asked me.  I shook my head and explained to him that I had put it in my bag when I was done talking to Sam. "Well that's just great."

"Hey don't get mad at me, okay.  We need to stay calm.  We have the map so we know how to get back." I explained to him.  He just shook his head no.

"No, the wendigo has our scent and knows our trail, which means he probably knocked some trees down or some shit to mess up the trail."

"Well then we will kill the damn thing and find another way out okay." I told him.  He took a deep breath and nodded. 

"It looks like its around 8:00 so we need to find food and some shelter." I looked around and found some loose branches.  Dean helped me grab them up and take them to the center towards the torn fabric.  "I think if we place the these two pieces up and use that tree over there with the dirt torn up we should be able to place the roof top down in it.  We can rip this fabric up more and use it as a rope type substance." I continued to talk as I picked one of the largest branches over.

"How do you know all this stuff?" Dean asked me in shock as he picked up the other largest branch.  I sat down and started to dig in the ground with a large rock.

"When I was younger my dad and I would go camping a lot, but it wasn't like tents and stuff.  He actually liked to treat it like a survivor game.  We would start everything from scratch." I notified him as I continued to dig into the ground.

"Oh well at least I'm stuck out here with someone who knows what they are doing." Dean smirked at me before mimicking my actions.  After about ten minutes I finally got the hole deep enough to where I could slide the branch in.  Dean soon did too.  I then went over and picked up the ripped duffle bag. 

"Hey Dean, do you have a pocket knife on you?" I asked him.  He nodded and pulled it out of his pocket, tossing it up to me.  I snatched it out of the air and began cutting the bag into strips.

"What are you doing now?" Dean bent down next to me and motioned to the bag.
"I think that if I can get enough branches and fabric, I can try to weave the it.  Then we can just take leaves and place them on top of the whole thing to use as a camouflage." I informed him.  He nodded at me and stood back up.
"Okay then, while you do that I'll go and try to find some food, I'm starved." Dean told me as he stood up.  I looked up at him quickly and gave him a worried look.
"Wait, should we really split up?" I asked him.  He placed a hand on my shoulder and spoke confidently.
"I won't go far, I promise.  I should be back in about a half an hour." I nodded back at him and he began to walk deeper in the woods. I continued to cut the strands of fabric and placed them into a pile.  After about fifteen minutes I had finally cut up all of the bag and began weaving them through the branches.  I stood up to grab more branches when I heard a loud snapping noise a few yards away.
"Dean?" I shouted out but there was no response.  I slowly pulled the flare gun out of my belt loop and aimed it in the direction the noise came from.  I took one step forward and held my gun confidently.
It all happened in a matter of seconds: a loud crash, a scream, and an impact.  Then everything went black.

A/N~ You guys will never believe what I did.  I was filling up my bike tire with air and it blew up on me.  I have a huge cut on my thigh now :( Other than that, what did you guys think?  Also don't forget to request!  My contest is open until tomorrow night so don't forget to send in characters!  Thanks!


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