Dean Winchester Imagine~ Saving You (Part 3)

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~Your P.O.V.

I woke up in a room I didn't recognize. I quickly jumped off of the bed I was laying on, expecting a shot of pain to shoot through me...but there wasn't one. I looked down at my body to see nothing. No wounds from the demon or anything. The only blood was the blood that stained my clothing. I was completely confused, how could all of my wounds just be healed? I walked over to the door, slowly twisting the knob to find it unlocked. I walked out of the room and reached down to my ankle to grab my blade, but remembered that the demon had taken it. I walked through the halls, searching the building for some way out or somebody. After about ten minutes I found a room which seemed to be a library. There was a table in the middle were two men sat, one on a laptop and the other looking through a stack of books. I slowly walked into the room.
"Where am I?" I questioned with a hint of fear in my voice. I stood tall ready to attack if the men came near me.
"Hey, it's okay, we aren't going to hurt you." The taller one stood up raising his hands. The other one stood up too.
"Where am I, and what happened to me?" I frantically asked again, taking a step forward. I looked at the one with bright green eyes, staring at him impatiently waiting for an answer. "Earlier I was covered in wounds and bound to a chair. Now I'm here in a building with two men, that I have no clue who they are."
"We aren't here to hurt you. My name is Dean and this is Sam. We're the Winchesters, and your in our bunker right now." The one named 'Dean' said. My eyes went wide at the name 'Winchester'.
"Winchester...?" I questioned before walking closer to the two brothers. I had heard plenty of things about the famous Winchesters, and hell was I honored to be in there presence.
"Yes, Winchester." Sam said lowering his hands down by his waist. "And you are?"
"My name's (Y/F/N)." I reached my hand towards Sams, shaking it, and then to Dean. I held on longer to Dean's hand, not breaking eye contact, until Sam made a low coughing noise. I quickly dropped my hand back to my side. "Now my first question is how in the hell am I healed?" I questioned rubbing my forearm where there was once a long gash.
"We had Castiel heal you." Dean informed me. I gave them a questioning look wondering who this 'Castiel' person was.
"He's our friend, an angel actually." Sam told me.
"An angel? Uh were is he now?" I questioned Sam.
"I'm not quite sure to be honest. He kind of just comes and goes." Sam responded. I just nodded taking a deep breath.
"Well thank you guys. I would have died in there if you hadn't have come." I gave both boys a smile. They both nodded towards me.
"Your welcome, it's part of our job." Dean spoke. "So...I don't know about you two, but I'm starving. Do you want to go pick us up some food, Sammy?" Sam gave Dean I confused look before nodding and responding with a yeah and heading out the door. I walked over to where Sam sat earlier and looked at the computer screen.
"What's this?" I motioned towards the screen while looking at Dean. He walked over and leaned over my shoulder.
"Oh, it's another hunt we think we might have found." He scrolled farther down the screen. "You see, this guy, Chasen Ryde, was found, heart removed from his chest. This has also occurred for the last thirty years. Every ten years there is a new victim. The only things each man has in common is that they have all cheated on their current wives." He finished.
"Well it sounds like something is coming back for revenge. Are the wives still alive?" I asked Dean already so into the hunt.
"Yeah each wife is alive, we've already checked on the wives and the other women." He answered back.
"Did you check other towns for weird occurrences? I think I covered something like this a couple years back, in Maine. It turned out to just being a really pissed of werewolf that just took it out on unfaithful men. I think that's what you have here." I leaned back, looking up at Dean.
"Damn your good." Dean chuckled before closing the laptop and sitting down. "Hey do you want a beer?" He jumped up heading out of the room.
"Uh yeah, that'd be great." I shouted as he walked out. I got out of my seat and walked over towards all of the shelves of books.
"Man I would kill for a room like this." I mumbled. This would make research so much easier. I usually was stuck late in library's. I felt a hand behind my shoulder, and I turned around to face Dean.
"Here you go gorgeous." I blushed at Dean's comment before looking away.
"Thank you, Dean." I reached out for the beer. As I put my hand around the bottle accidentally touching his. I felt what I thought was some type of spark of electricity and felt goosebumps on my arms.
"So (Y/N), tell me about yourself." Dean smiled a bright smile.
"Well, I've been hunting for as long as I could remember. My parents were killed at a young age by some vampires, and I ended up moving in with my grandparents, they taught me to hunt. They wanted me to fend for myself when I got older, to ensure my safety. Ever since then I've been trying to protect others." I trailed off. I had already finished most of my drink by the time my story ended. There was tears starting to form in my eyes, but I pushed them back. I felt two arms reach around me and pull me into a hug.
"I know how you feel. I lost my mother at a young age and my father a couple years ago. It'll be okay." Dean spoke rubbing circles in my back.
"Thank you Dean, this really means a lot. You taking me in today, having me healed. All of it! It's really great of you." I pulled away from the hug smiling at him.
"Your welcome, and you can stay as long as you need to. We'd love to have you with us." He told me I nodded back, accepting his offer. I looked into his eyes and saw a glistening shine. I noticed his eyes were looking down towards my lips, while biting his. He slowly began to lean in, and I mimicked his moves. Soon our lips had touched and shots of electricity shot through me. He reached one hand up, cupping my face, the other placed on my waist.
"Hello Dean, is the girl..." Dean and I quickly pulled away to an unknown voice.
"Dammit Cas." Dean mumbled under his breath.
"Oh my apologizes I didn't realize you were busy." Castiel motioned, before awkwardly looking away.
"Your Castiel? Thank you so much for healing me." I stood up, moving away from Deans grip to go meet the guy that had healed me.
"Yes I am, and you are very welcome." Castiel nodded towards me. I returned his words with a smile.
"Uh Cas we were kind of busy." Dean spoke behind us. I turned around giggling a little bit.
"Uh yes I noticed that and..." Castiel began to speak before being interrupted by Sam walking in.
"Honey I'm home." I heard Sam shout. I laughed at his statement.
"Ugh forget about." Dean sat up leaving Sam confused. I started laughing under my breath at the older brothers confusion. "So...did you get pie?"

(A/N)- Sorry for the late update, but let me know what you think!! Don't forget to request either!!!

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