Dean Winchester/Castiel Imagine~ Secrets (Part 2)

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Read A/N, very Important!

Requested by: Many

"You're Pregnant?" Dean asked me quietly.  I looked away and bit my lip, nodding softly.  I felt him take a deep breath and shift under me. "Is that why Cas was acting so weird?" He asked me.  I was confused at his reaction, he was calm but questioning.

"Yes." I looked back at him.

"Why did you tell him before me?" He asked me changing his tone. I squinted my eyes in confusion. 

"I didn't tell him.  He found out in the kitchen, he could just tell." I answered quickly.  I saw him roll his eyes and take my legs off from above him.  He stood up and turned around, ready to walk away. "Dean!" I shouted towards him.  He turned around and looked at me with a  careless expression.

"I can't believe Cas knew about this before me. I can't take care of a child (Y/N)." I felt my heart shatter as I listened to Dean's words. 

"W-what?" I asked him with tears in my eyes.

"I can't have a baby (Y/N).  I won't put it through this pain."  I looked at him with shock plastered on my face.

"You want me to leave?" I asked Dean sadly, regretting it.

"Yes." Dean answered confidently.  I watched him turn away and walk out of the room quietly.   I sat there in shock with my knees pulled up to my chest as the tears began to hit the floor.  I looked up slowly to the sky.

"You were wrong Castiel.  You were wrong."

A/N~ Hey since you all probably want to punch me in my face because of that, I understand.  I also understand it is short but that is because I decided that I would make another ending below for you guys.  I good one that you might all love? So here you go:

"You're Pregnant?" Dean asked me quietly.  I nodded in response and looked away from him scared of his response. "(Y/N), t-that's amazing!"

I looked up to him shocked at his happiness.  The cheesy smile plastered across his face.  I didn't think that he would want a baby ever.  Not after him growing up in the hunters life.

"You want a baby?" I asked him.  He looked at me confused, but then smiled.

"Of course I want a baby." He rubbed his hand against my leg. "I know it's going to be hard, but we can do it babe."

I smiled at his response knowing that Dean actually cared about the topic and wanted to do this.  That he wasn't going to just throw me out. I leaned forward and placed my lips on his, moving them slowly.  I felt him smile into the kiss before pulling away.

"I love you." Dean smiled towards me.

"I love you too Dean." I leaned forward and placed my head on his shoulder/chest.  I heard a whoosh behind me and turned away real fast to see Castiel standing there.

"I told you so." Cas smiled at me and within seconds disappeared.  I looked back at Dean who had a confused look on his face and laughed.
"Forget about it." I smiled and leaned in again to kiss him.

A/N~ There you go you lovely people!  An ending for both.  Again I know they are both short, but I thought it was a cute idea. Please let me know what you think of both of them.  Also keep sending in request!  I love you all so much!  Thank you!


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