Dean Winchester Imagine~ Heat Of The Moment

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~Your P.O.V.

Dean, Sam, and I had just gotten back from a hunt; a werewolf.  We all entered the door caked in dirt and bruises, me being smart like always, called 'shower' first. I headed towards my room and grabbed some clothes before heading towards the bathroom.  I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and hooked it up to my speaker and clicked my pandora app, opening my classic rock radio station.

After stripping off my dirty clothes and letting the water warm up I jumped in and began washing my hair with shampoo.  I almost slipped in the shower when I heard Asia's song: Heat of the Moment. I began belting the words out, not caring who was listening. I had been told I was a good singer, but I never really believed it.  I had competed in a few competitions, but never really furthed my 'singing career'. 

I heard the bathroom door crack and I quickly peeked my head outside of the curtain, "Dean, what are you doing in here. Just give me another five minutes and Ill be out, I promise."

"Wow, I didn't know you could sing!" Dean smiled towards me, entering the bathroom, but leaving the door open.

"Ehh..." I felt my cheeks turn a bright red and I tried to cover them.

"Your absolutely amazing, I'll have to start being in the bathroom when your showering more." Dean winked at me as I giggled.

"Dean, get out." I smiled towards him.  He began to turn around when I saw Sam's head pop out from behind the door.

"What the hell are you playing..." Sam spoke scared.  I sat there confused as Dean broke out in laughter and Sam began to sweat.

A/N~ Sorry, I know it's short, but I have had to softball games this week and I've had practice, so I haven't had much time to write.  Thank you all so much for over 7,000 reads, it means so much! Please don't forget to request and I love you guys so much!!!!


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