Sam Winchester Imagine~ Shapeshifter

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~Your P.O.V.
"Sammy is that you?" I asked out loud. I was sitting in the bunker's library reading a book I found sitting on a shelf. Sam had gone to pick up dinner for us two while Cas and Dean had gone to the bar for drinks, I guess Dean was helping Cas with some dating advice? I don't know why though, I mean Sam and I both know they are secretly in love. It had been longer than I had expected for Sam to be gone, the little café was only a few blocks away. I put the book I was reading down and stood up from the chair.
"Uh yeah (Y/N)." Sam walked into the room empty-handed. I gave him a confusing look and pointed towards his hands.
"Uh where is the food? You've been gone forever." I got a weird feeling that began to build up in my chest. Sam began walking towards me.
"Uh yeah about that, I um.... I thought I would come home and cook you a meal." He smiled. I formed my mouth into an 'o' shape and nodded.
"Oh okay." I turned around to walk back to the table and grab my book when a shot of pain exploded through my head and everything went black.

I woke up tied to a chair down in the dungeon. There was some dried blood above my right eye and a terrible headache aching through my head. "Sam? Dean? Cas? Anybody? Please someone help!" I couldn't quite remember everything that had happened, I remember turning away from Sam and the next thing I knew I was here. Oh my god...could Sam have done this to me? My mind went crazy, there was no way he would do something like this. I heard a door open and I looked up. "Sammy? You have to help me please. Something bad is going on." I cried out to him as I shook my hands that were bound. Sam stood there smirking, and slowly walking towards me.
"Your right, something bad is going on." Sam spoke before pulling out a knife from his boot. Fear and confusion shot through you.
"Sam...what the hell is going on?! You did this to me..." My lip quivered on the last sentence. Sam came closer with the knife, and I swore I saw his eyes quickly flicker a bright color.
"This has to happen, (Y/N)." He spoke before punching me in the face. I could feel blood pooling in my mouth and I spit it towards him.
"Your not Sam! Where's Sam?!" I shouted in the monsters face. He chuckled before leaning closer in.
"I am Sam, well the new Sam at least, the more improved." I felt a sharp pang shoot up my arm as he dragged the knife up. I yelled out in pain hoping one of the guys would show up.
"What the hell did you do to him! Dammit tell me where he is!" I cried out.
"Wow, 'd be more worried about you than him. I mean he gets out of this alive but heart-broken over another one of his girlfriends dying.  Like oh Jessie girl?" The thing spoke.
"How do you know about Jess? How do you know this stuff." 'Sam' turned his back away and began walking to a little table full instruments that could cause torture.
"Because I know what's going on in his head. I can figure anything out about him. Let's see, you and Sam started dating about three years wow does he have daddy issues. Wait scratch that, just god awful family issues...oh and there was this argument between his dad and..." The monster picked up another tool but I cut his sentence off.
"Stop! Stop talking about him." I could feel tears starting to build up. I took a deep breath, "What the hell are you?"
"I'm a shapeshifter sweet heart, and boy is this going to be fun." I felt another cut forming on my left shoulder. It felt like hours of torture was happening but I was sure it couldn't be more than an hour. There was dried blood all over my body and hundreds of cuts. "How's it feel being tortured by your own boyfriend. I think this might be me breaking up with you sweetie." The shapeshifter leaned in and kissed my forehead. I flinched away, but felt a cold object pressed against my throat. "Bye (Y/N)." I closed my eyes not wanting to see the monster anymore. I couldn't bear to see 'Sam' being the one to kill me.
"Hey asshole!" I heard what sounded like one of the boy's voices scream out. The shapeshifter turned around, and within seconds was laying on the ground, blood seeping out of it's chest. I tried to look up to see who had came in but I could just see part of a red plaid shirt before passing out.

~Sam's P.O.V.
I got home later than I had expected. Some guy freaked out in the café and was throwing stuff all around. He began screaming and two other guys and I had to hold him down for the police. They said he had escaped some mental hospital, but on the plus side I did get my meal for free. I walked into the bunker and went to the library to find (Y/N).
"Hey babe?" I asked as I walked in. There was a book sitting on the ground and a little bit of blood drops on it. I dropped the food and ran out. I pulled the gun out of my jacket and began to frantically search the bunker. "(Y/N) god where are you?" I screamed. The worst things possible ran through my mind. I could feel tears starting to begin to form. I ran downstairs to the dungeon and heard a voice talking. A voice that sounded like mine. I busted the door open and saw me standing across from me. "Hey asshole!" I screamed, the monster turned around and I shot straight at it's heart. It dropped and I ran up to (Y/N). I could feel the tears running down my face.
"God (Y/N) I'm so sorry. I should have protected you." I cut the ropes off her and picked her up, carrying her to our room, and putting her down on our bed. I pulled my phone out and dialed Dean's number. If I could get ahold of them in time I could have Cas heal (Y/N). I heard Dean pick up the phone and I started crying for him and Cas to get home as soon as possible. I explained what happened and I could hear Dean freaking out on the other side. I heard him saying he would have Cas zap them here. I hung up the phone and seconds later Dean and Cas were behind me.
"Cas please help her." I cried out holding her hands. Cas walked over and began to place his hand on her arm healing the biggest gash she had first. A few minutes later (Y/N) was completely healed, but still asleep. Cas, Dean, and I sat there waiting for her to wake up. About an hour later (Y/N) began to slowly wake up. I ran to her side and grabbed her hand, but she flinched at my touch. I felt a pang of guilt hit me and felt heartbroken.
"(Y/N) it's me, it's Sammy. I'm not going to hurt you. God I'm so sorry I should have been there for you." I cried out, some tears falling. Dean and Cas had walked over too and were leaning over my shoulders.
"How do I know it's really you." She trembled.
"What do you mean? Of course it's me. Look at me..." I whispered to her.
"The knew everything about you. It knew about Jess..." (Y/N) told me. I felt like I had let her down. I looked away from (Y/N) not being able to look into her eyes. I felt a soft hand reach up and turn my face towards hers. "I believe you Sam. I'm sorry it's just..."
"No it's not your fault." I told her.
"Sammy's right." Dean chimed in. I reached down and kissed (Y/N). "It's okay, I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere."
"I love you Sam." I heard her say.
"I love you too (Y/N)."

A/N: Let me know what you think! And oh my god almost 500 reads☺️ thank you so much! Don't forget to request!

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