Sam Winchester Imagine~ Long Nights and Painful Fights (Part 2)

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Your P.O.V.

I had been driving for over two hours when I decided to stop and just stay at a motel a little out of town. After being given the key to my room, I rushed in and went straight to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection and the mirror and felt my heart drop.  I had tears stained on my face with my mascara running completely down my cheeks. I hated seeing this side of me, because she appeared much too often.  I quickly cleaned all of my make-up off and headed towards the bed. I stripped down to a tee-shirt and threw the heavy comforter over me  After getting comfortable I reached for the remote, and turned on a re-run of an old  'Friends" episode. I tried as hard as I could to forgot what had happened earlier and slowly began to fall asleep. 

I was awoken by a loud knocking that was coming from the door.  I looked over to the digital clock sitting on the nightstand next to me and read 2:47am.  I jumped up quickly and ran over to wear my jacket sat and pulled out my gun from the inside pocket.  I walked over to the door and slowly unlocked it with my gun aimed towards the door.

I cracked the door and felt relief overtake me when I saw the familiar face of Sam in front of me.

"Smart choice on the gun." Sam spoke as I stepped away allowing him in.  I put the gun down and crossed my arms as I sat back on the bed.

"How did you find me Sam?" I questioned him.

"I have a tracker in your phone that I used." I widened my eyes at his response. "Only in case I lose you on a hunt or something bad was to happen to you." He spoke quickly, I simply nodded towards him.

"What are you doing here, Sam?" I spoke quietly.

"Look (Y/N), I didn't mean any of that.  I feel absolutely awful.  Those words, they weren't me talking. Please hear me out."

I crossed over and sat on the other side of the bed and nodded towards him.

"Honestly, I should be looking towards you and Dean to help me.  I-I just can't (Y/N)." I saw a tear slip down his cheek and watched him swiftly pick his hand up and wipe it away.  "God (Y/N), I don't know what is wrong with me anymore." I saw more tears slip down his face. I reached over and put my arms around him as he turned towards me.

"Sam...I only want to help you. That's all I want." I pulled him into a hug. I felt him pull me closer as a few tears began to slip down my cheeks.  "Lets go to bed Sammy."

He quickly took off his jeans and got in under the covers and pulled me close to him.

"I love you so much." Sam whispered as he began to drift off. I leaned forward and kissed his forhead softly.

"I love you too."

A/N~ Please let me know what you think! I'm not so sure about how much I like this one, but a second part was requested. Don't forget to request, I love you all so much!


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