Another Guy Flirts With You

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You were sitting at the bar waiting for your boyfriend, Dean, to show up. You knew he was coming back from a hunt, and that he was definitely going to need a drink. You had already had his drink ordered for him, as you sat there watching whatever game was on the tv in front of you. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around expecting it to be Dean, but it wasn't. There was some man standing in front of you, alcohol completely masking him. He had a drink in his hand, and you could easily tell it wasn't his first. "Hey pretty." He said slurring his words badly. "I'm Noah." "Uh hi." You responded trying to sound polite. He sat down next to you, where Dean should be sitting soon, and picked up the drink you had ordered for Dean, starting to drink it. You reached for it, but he pulled away. "Hey, that's my boyfriends drink." You reached for it again, but he just finished it off. "I don't see a boyfriend here." He whispered sliding closer to you. He reached for your hand, but you shoved it away. "Don't touch me, and he'll be here soon, so you might want to" You barked at him. He slid closer, completely doing the opposite of what you had just said. "I said don't touch me!" You yelled at Noah. He didn't care what you said. He was a drunk mess. He grabbed your arm, but was jerked away. "What the hell are you doing to my girlfriend! She said back up, so back the hell up before I break your damn arm." You knew that voice all to well, Dean. You smiled at Dean, seeing Noah scared. "Stupid bitch." Noah mumbled under his breath getting ready to walk away. Dean heard what he said and pulled his arm back getting ready to punch him. You grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Don't, he's not worth it." You told Dean, making him sit down. "What a dick." Dean said, causing you to laugh. "Oh, and he took your drink." You pointed towards where the beer was sitting. "Dammit." He muttered. You looked up at him and smiled, reaching in and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, we will get you a new on." You said. He turned back towards you, kissing you on the lips. "I love you (Y/N). Dean spoke smiling. "I love you too Dean." You replied resting your head on his shoulder, waiting for the bartender to come back over.

"Hey Sammy, I'm going to check the books over there out. We might have missed one." You told Sam. You and Sam were at the library doing some research on some pagan gods. You guy thought there was in town that was killing people, making sacrifices. "Okay, (Y/N)." Sam said not moving his head away from the book he had opened. You walked over to the book shelf, which was quite tall. You skimmed through the titles until you finally found the book you needed, which just happened to be on the top shelf, and well you weren't exactly the tallest. You continue to try to reach for it, until a hand slid around you and grabbed it. "Hey, I was trying to get that." You said irratated, turning around. "That's why I grabbed it for you." The man in front of you said, handing you the book. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I thought you were taking it. I was just a little irritated that I couldn't reach it." You giggled at the last part. "Don't worry about it, so what's your name." He asked you, smiling brightly. "(Y/N), you?" You questioned back. "Jason. It's nice to meet you." Jason said, stepping closer to you. "It's nice to meet you too, but I have to go, I'm really busy with something at the moment." You smiled and got ready to walk away. "Can I get you number at least?" Jason said reaching for your arm. "Uh I'm sorry no, I have a boyfriend." You pulled your arm from your grip. "So, who cares anyways?" He spoke, making you step back. You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked over to see Sam standing above you. "I care." Sam said, tightening his fist. You grabbed his hand, squeezing it for reassurance. "Whatever buddy." Jason said before walking away. Sam took a deep breath before looking at you. "Someone's a bit jealous." You messed with him. "Don't worry he's not my type, you are." You laughed a little at the end. He reached down and kissed your forehead before taking you back to the table, where you had dozens of books laid out. "I love you too." He smiled at you.

"Don't forget to grab Dean's pie, I'll grab the beer." You and Cas were at the grocery store going on a food run, since you were completely out at the bunker. "Okay." Cas walked over to the aisle with pies while you headed toward the freezers. You looked at all of the beers deciding which ones to choose. "I'd go for those." A voice behind you spoke, you turned around to see a reasonably handsome man in front of you, pointing at a brand. "They are by far the best in there." He said reaching in and grabbing a pack for himself. "Thanks." You smiled at him before grabbing the same ones. "Your welcome. You know you are very pretty." The man said. "Well thank you." You smiled, blushing a little bit. You continued to make conversation with him, whose name you found out was Ryan, until Cas came back over. "(Y/N), can we please go now. I don't want to be here anymore." Castiel said, his voice a little hitched, like he was mad. "Of course, babe." You waved good bye to Ryan before walking behind Cas. "What's wrong Cas?" You asked him as you guys headed to check out. "I don't like how he looked at you. I don't like how he talked to you. I don't like him at all, and now I have a gross feeling inside." He said quickly. You realized what was going on. "Cas, don't worry about him." You kissed him on the cheek before placing your items on the counter. "I only want you Cas."

A/N- So what did you guys think? Let me know, and don't forget to request!

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