Ghandi Quote~ Dean Winchester Imagine

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(Please feel free to make your own imagine based off of this quote and tag album_covers and I in it.  We would be very interested in discovering how others work with this quote. Thank you."

~"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Ghandi

"(Y/N), please listen to me."  Dean spoke to me quietly as I headed towards the door.  I pulled my leather jacket off the counter and continued to walk, ignoring Dean.  I opened the door and walked out into the down poor of rain. "(Y/N), come inside." Dean stood by the door, but I continued to ignore him. 

"Dean leave me alone, please." I sighed as I turned around and looked at him. "I just need some time to myself."

"No, you need someone to talk to." Dean shouted over the rain.  I continued to keep my distance away from him not wanting to see the tears that stained my cheeks. 

"Dean you honestly don't understand I-." I made an effort to argue back but Dean cut my sentence short. 
"No I don't want to hear that (Y/N)." Dean shouted angrily.  He walked forward quickly and looked me deep in the eye before continuing.  "Out of anyone I know what this is like." Dean pointed a finger towards himself.  I continued to stare deeply into his apple green eyes as he scolded me.  I froze in my spot and stared angrily at Dean.  I had no energy to make an effort in denying that Dean was right.  He knew how I felt:  the pain that I was engulfed in.  I didn't understand how people could choose this life.  To decide to have the weight of the world just thrown upon them.  

"I know what its like to fight so damn hard for someone and have them not make it.  Or to make an effort in protecting them and watch the light leave their eyes." I saw Dean hold back a tear and I knew exactly who he was talking about...Kevin.  The rain had completely soaked my clothes and I was now shivering.  I looked down at the ground slowly before looking back up at Dean as he continued. "And that damn Mark of Cain." Dean scoffed and laughed. 
"Dean, I'm sorry, I'm not cut out for this life. I'm not you." I turned around and tried to walk away, but Dean ran forward and grabbed my arm spinning me around.

"(Y/N), you have to overcome this." Dean demanded as I threw his arm off my shoulder.
"No, don't tell me that like I don't know that.  I do!" I screamed at him.  I felt the tears begin to fall down my face as fast as the rain hit. "God, I know that. I just can't." I fell to the ground and threw my knees up to my chest.  Dean sat down next to me and wrapped and arm around my waist.
"(Y/N) look at me." Dean whispered in my ear.  I looked up slowly at him and saw that a little hair that was usually spiked up had fallen slightly over his forehead. He reached forward and moved a strand of hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"I didn't just overcome this like that."  Dean spoke softly to me as he rubbed his hand circles in on my back.  "It was hell (Y/N), I won't lie, but a wise man once said: be the change you wish to see in the world."  I looked up at him taken a little a back to the fact that he would use a Ghandi quote as an example.   I never paid much attention to the quote itself rather than to the way it was flaunted around.  "(Y/N), I can't try to help someone when I haven't achieved what I needed myself.  The reason I overcame this was because..." Dean stopped speaking for a second as he though he was debating on telling me.

"It's because of you (Y/N)." I was shocked when Dean spoke those words.  Did he mean that everything he did was for me?  He fought through this because of me, but why?

"Why?" I asked confused.  No one had ever made and effort like this for me. 
"Because I couldn't be hypocritical and tell you to overcome it and have me act like I was useless." Dean stated not breaking eye contact with me, his body heat engulfing me.

"No, I mean why would you make such an effort like that for..." I took a deep breath before continuing. "Well me."

"You don't understand do you?" Dean asked me as if I should have understood what he was talking about. I just shrugged my shoulders waiting for him to continue. He laughed a little bit and looked away before continuing to talk. "It's because I'm in love with you (Y/N)." Dean took a deep breath and looked back at me.
I felt my breath hitch in the back of my throat when I realized what he had just said.  I sat there frozen in the rain sitting next to a man that had just confessed his love to me, and I didn't know what to do.  I took it that Dean understood my shock because of the next action he decided to do. Within seconds Deans lips were on mine moving slowly.  I felt the rain slam against my face but it didn't bother me because at this moment all I cared about was Dean Winchester. I was going to overcome this.

A/N~ So what do you guys think?  Also check out album_covers take on the quote.  Some of you may know that Ghandi had shown a young man how he could over come something and I felt that that was important and should be represented.  Please don't forget to request and don't forget to fill out a character description for my contest.  Thank you all so much! And can I just say that I was watching old episodes of Supernatural and I want to cry. Please just, ugh the feels the tears, I feel like I have been stabbed a hundred times in the heart.


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