(Teen) Dean Winchester Imagine~ Distractions (Part 1)

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A/N~ I thought I would try a teen imagine so please let me know what you think!

~First Time Meeting

"Remember class essay's are due Thursday and this is the last time I'm saying this, its worth thirty percent of your grade, so don't try to finish this last minute."  Mr. Roth spoke quickly as the class rushed out the door. I picked up my last book before following the group of tired teens out the door.  I walked over to my locker and opened it switching out my English book for my Calculus book.  I closed my locker and started to head to Calc.

When I finally reached the classroom I walked to the back corner snatching up my usual seat.  You could say I came off as kind of a loner, but I'd rather read my book than talk to some girls about the newest fashions.  I didn't exactly fit in with the girly crowd, I was more of a tom-boy, but I was cool with it. The final bell rang alerting all the couples that were making out in the hall that class had started.  I opened my book ready to start the lesson, when a taller boy wearing a leather jacket and some old jeans walked in and stood at the front of the classroom. 

"Good-morning class, we have a new student joining us; Dean Winchester.  Please welcome he with kindness.  You can have a seat in the back, by (Y/N)."  Ms. Smith spoke loudly.  I mentally groaned, I knew how this boy would act.  Like he was better than everyone and I could tell easily that he wasn't going to try and learn anything, which would only result in distracting me.  Don't get me wrong he was definitely good looking but I wasn't wasting my time on some soon to be failed high school relationship. I've seen plenty of them unfold in front of my eyes.

"Well hello, I'm Dean." Dean spoke as he sat down next to me, flashing a huge smile. I flipped the page and looked over at him.

"Yeah, I got that." I told him before looking back down.  I know I was coming off as a bitch, but the thing is , I'd rather not have people get close to me because nothing worked out well when they did.

"Oh wow feisty one."

A/N~ So I realized that I part of this got deleted, so I'll write a part two, due to technical problems.

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