Dean Winchester Imagine~ Motivation

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"You know I have a cool work out idea." Dean stated.  I looked over the computer sitting on my lap and raised an eyebrow.  In front of me stood Dean wearing basketball shorts, which I hardly see him in, and a tight shirt.  I could get used to that look, I quickly thought to myself.

"And what's that?" I laughed.  "Wait.  You don't even work out?" I smiled at him. 

"Hey.  I know I don't work out, but I have a reason to now.  So come here." He smirked at me.  I placed the computer on the counter and hopped out of the chair. "Lay on the floor." I gave him a smirking look and he rolled his eyes. I sighed and laid flat on the floor.  He leaned over me and a hand on both sides of me.  He leaned forward doing a pushup while kissing me on the lips before pulling away and finishing the push up. He smiled brightly at me and bent down again, repeating the movement. As he pulled away I began to speak.

"So, I'm your motivation?" I laughed at him. He nodded before leaning  down again once he leaned back upwards I placed a hand on his chest. "Wait, why the sudden workout?" I questioned him. 

"Well if we are being honest.  I just wanted to kiss you and well you keep bugging me to work out with you." He leaned down once more and placed a last kiss on my lips, but he didn't move back up. "I think that's enough push ups for now." Dean spoke softly in between kisses. I smiled as he continued to move his lips in sync with mine.


A/N~ Oh My God, this is dirt.  I'm sorry, I just really wanted to post something because I haven't and I kind of want to cry at how bad this is.


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