Gabriel Imagine: I'll Always Love You

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A/N~ So first of all please understand how awful I feel for not updating.  I have been packed with family vacations and volleyball tournaments and just a lot of stuff on my mind.  Again I'm very sorry and I hope that this imagine somehow makes up for it. I guess that's all I can say.  I also want to say that I'm super pissed that Misha got mugged.  Freaking furious to be honest!  Some people.

Requested by: KZOMBI3

"Amara." I walked out from behind the tree to see her staring into the Neda river.  The Neda river was actually considered Heaven on earth, though it is much beautiful and peaceful than the real Heaven.  Many people didn't know that.

"Gabriel." Amara smiled at me as I began to walk over to her.  I placed one hand around her waist and stared at her as she looked at the flat water.  "It is beautiful Gabriel." She admired the nature as I admired her.   Amara was truly the love of my life and words could not describe the feelings I felt towards her.

"Amara, you are the true beauty here. After all you do know the meaning of your name, correct?" She turned towards me and looked at me with a questioning look in her eyes.

"No, I do not."  Amara seemed intrigued at finding out.

"It means eternally beautiful." I explained to her.  I watched her eyes light up and her cheeks become a light shade of pink as the words rolled off my tongue. "Amara I need to tell you something important." Amara sat down on the ground and placed her legs into the water, watching the fish swim under and the water ripple.  I mimicked her actions and sat down next to her.

"What is it?" She continued to stare at the water slowly moving her feet under it.  I reached up and placed one hand on her cheek turning her face towards me and pulled my hand back down putting it in hers. 

"You may not believe me, but." I took a deep breath and continued to speak. "I am an Arch-Angel." I managed to get the words out of my mouth.  It had taken me a long time to convince myself to tell Amara this, but I trusted her.

"An Arch-Angel?" Amara seemed shocked but she didn't seem to believe what I was saying. "Gabriel I apologize, but I don't believe that is true." Amara answered.  Her voice was soft as it normally was. It was reassuring, yes, but she didn't believe me.  I looked down into the water sadly.  Amara placed her arms around me and leaned into my chest. "Gabriel, you are my angel, isn't that enough?" She questioned me.

"Yes it is." I sighed, still sad that she didn't truly understand that I was being honest.  As long as she still loved me, that was all I needed. 


"You told her!" I watched Michael shout at me.  He was infuriated that I told a mortal what I really was. "Gabriel how could you be so irresponsible!  Them knowing could ruin everything!" He continued to shout at me as I stood there watching his face turn a dark red from the screaming. "If father knew what you ha done!"

"He won't know." I tried to keep calm as I explained to him. "She didn't even believe me." I whispered the last part, but he still heard me.

"I don't care if she did not believe you...we cannot take this chance.  I will deal with her." He continued to shout at me and within seconds he was gone. 

"Michael no!" I screamed out but he was gone.  I knew what he was going to do and I couldn't allow it.  I quickly vanished out of the room and to were I could find Amara: at the Neda river, her favorite place. "Amara, Amara!" I ran out towards the water searching for her.

There she was in the water, floating. "Amara." I gasped as I saw her face down.  My heart raced as I dove into the water screaming her name.  Water began to flood into my mouth as I the water splashed around me. Once I reached her I didn't think twice to get her out of the water.  I grabbed ahold of her torso in an attempt to keep her head above water as I dragged her towards the shore. 

"Amara, please." I cried out as her skin touched the grass.  It was cold and still.  Not like the soft feeling I was so used to.   This was a painful feeling; the pang of guilt that hit me as I continued to cry over her solid body.  "Please, no." It didn't matter how hard I cried because I knew what had happened.  I bent down and picked her body up, bridal style and began to walk towards the tree that I had stood behind only days ago, surprising her.  I laid her down next to it before walking over and grabbing some flowers by the waterfall and bringing them back to her.  I placed the flowers along her body as I bent down next to her.

"Amara, I apologize.  I should have protected you.  I let you down...I let you down.  I-I love you." I whispered before standing back up.  I took one last look at her: My beautiful Amara, gone...And then I was gone.

Michael meant nothing to me now.


(Present Day)

I walked down the busy street staring at the drunk people that were exiting the bar to my right.   Watching them was very amusing, but messing with them was even better.   I liked to use my favorite trick: making them re-live the same day over and over again.  Like I did to Sam Winchester, which was definitely an interesting one.  

I searched the street for my next prankie when I saw her.  I stood there in shock before actually convincing myself to move.  I began to run down the streets towards her.  I never thought I would see her again, but it seemed fate was on my side today.  Which hardly occurred.

"Eternally beautiful." I spoke as I tapped on her shoulder.  I watched her turn around with her eyebrows raised at me.

"Excuse me?" She questioned me.  I felt my heart skip a beat when I heard that voice that I thought I would never hear again.  To see those eyes that I saw every night in my dreams.  I craved the feeling of her body next to mine, like the day we were on Neda River and she was nestled against mine...the day I told her I was an angel.

"Amara, your name's meaning." I answered her.  She smiled at me before shaking her head.
"I'm sorry but that's not my name. My names Chasin." She nodded as she reached her hand out, for me to shake it. She didn't remember me.  She-she didn't...

"Oh, I'm Gabriel." I sighed.  I felt the former smile on my face fade. 

"Well it's nice to meet you." She continued to keep the smile plastered on her face.  The smile I had missed so much. "And Amara? A beautiful name."

"Just as beautiful as Chasin." Her eyes lit up and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink...just like they did before.

"Thank you Gabriel." My name sounded so beautiful coming out of her mouth.  She continued to smile at me as emotions slammed into me.  Happiness, sadness, emotioins I couldn't explain.

"Chasin...would you like to go out for lunch sometime?" I asked her.  I felt my palms get sweaty as I waited for her to answer.

"I would love that." She pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, writing her number on it.  I watched her as her hair fell over her cheeks and she brushed it out of the way, handing me the paper.

No matter how hard it was going to be...I was going to make Amara mine again. 

A/N~ Some supernatural stuff happened while I wrote this...thank you ta-er-al-safar for being there to reassure me lol.

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