Castiel Imagine~ Breakfast Problems

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Requested by: awesomeparty

~Human Cas

"Cas will you put the bread in the toaster while I finish up these eggs?" I leaned over my shoulder and spoke to Cas who nodded and walked over to where the toaster sat.  He stood there for a second before he picked the toaster up and looked around it.

"Um, (Y/N), I'm not quite sure I know how to manage this device." Cas placed the toaster back onto the counter and looked over to me sadly.  I smiled and tried to explain to him how it worked.  He slowly began to understand and placed the two slices of bread in between the racks.  I heard him gasp and I turned around quickly towards him. 

"What is it?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"I think I may have done something wrong.  The bread is gone." He looked at me sadly.  I giggled a little bit and took the rest of the eggs off of the pan.  I then walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder.
"You didn't do anything wrong.  You see you place the bread into the toaster and then after it is done toasting it will pop up." I explained to him.  He nodded understandingly but looked back down to me in a questioning way. "What?"

"Well I do have one more question.  How do you know when it will pop up?" He asked me.  I walked over and reached up in the cupboard to pull four glass plates down.

"It just depends." I continued to grab silverware and cups. I turned back towards Cas and saw his body was in a tense position.  I smiled to myself and walked back over to him.  "Are you scared of toast Cas?" I asked him teasingly.  Here in front of me stood a man who had fought monsters and protected the Winchesters and I and he was scared of a little piece of bread.

"No I am not afraid of toast." He regained his stance and looked at me bravely. "It is just that, the element of surprise kind of-" Castiel tried to continue his sentence but gasped jumping backwards and grabbing a hold of me tightly when the toast popped up.  I began laughing as I looked back up to him.  He grumbled some words under he breath about not being afraid of toast and walked over to the counter grabbing some of the already cooked bacon out of the pan and eating a piece. 

"Oh Cassie." I smiled and placed another two piece of bread in the toaster.

A/N~ Ehh I know this isn't great, I just wanted to really give you guys an imagine.  I have just been super busy, but please just be patient because I swear better ones are coming! Thank you all so much for the votes and comments! I love you all and please keep requesting!


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