The World Is Truly Amazing

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So I completely understand that this is not an update and If I get the chance I will try and update soonbut I felt like this is something I really wanted to talk about.  If you don't want to listen to me talk then I totally get it and I'll be honest this will probably be a long A/N, but I feel like you all should listen.  Again if not, you aren't required and I'm not your boss so feel free to just stop reading now, but if you would like to listen then thanks!

So I have been scrolling through @ TheWorldImages (Faith in Humanity) twitter page and its an absolutely amazing page.  I recommend that if you do have a twitter follow them immediately and if you don't well forget my recommendation.  Also they do have an Instagram page which I think is the same name and if you are already following them on one of the sites then shout out to you! There is so many beautiful aspects of the world and it's amazing ways. 

Honestly it puts me in a great mood.  I know there have been days when I feel like the world and everything is completely against me and I can't win in any possible way.  Even earlier I felt like this, but I decided, why not put myself in a good mood? So I'm going to go to my favorite page and I'm going to read all the amazing things about people in the world that you wouldn't believe.  How strong people and how caring people are amazes me. 

This page truly makes me feel like I can do more to help this world and it's beauty.  I can be a better person and I can push myself to represent humanity in a great way. 

For instance, one of the latest tweets that I for sure retweeted was about a young boy who had a life-threatening infection that required his hands and feet be removed only at the age of 2 years old.  Honestly watching this two minute and twenty seconds video nearly brought me to tears.  Now the video doesn't just explain how he has lived with a life-threatening infection , but it actually shows him receiving a set of hands from a donor.  Now the boy is maybe 6 or 7 years old, but learning from that age and living with the struggle of a lack of certain body parts just amazes me.  Not once in the video is he sad.  The whole time you see him smiling and how happy him and his mother is once they find out that he will be receiving the gift.  He even says, "I will be proud of what hands I get."  The fact that he doesn't care what hands he get he will just be proud amazes me.  The little boy amazes me.

Another story that I loved was there were three photos of a women happily crying as she held a molded ultrasound of her baby.  The reason that it was molded was because she was blind.  It's just beautiful looking at how happy she is.  I mean the appreciation she has is just beautiful.

There are thousands of post of the page that range from people overcoming things and saving people to people donating thousands of dollars and doing the right thing.  It really shows you that the world is an amazing place and the people that live on it are as well.  It also shows you that it gets better.  Now I don't want to be the person that says "Oh, well someone has it worse than you." because I have heard that myself and yes someone might have it worse but that's like telling me someone has it better than me.  If someone has it better than me is that supposed to mean that I shouldn't be happy in that moment? No. Be as happy as you'd like because no one has control over that, but you.

Now another subject I'd like to bring up is definitely on the touchier side for many people.  The photo above is a list of suicide hotlines that were written down and posted to the page.  I want to say for anyone who is having suicidal thoughts or knows of someone who is having them I want to recommend that you contact a number from above or it doesn't even have to be a stranger you talk to.  You can talk to a family member, a friend, a co-worker, someone in your fandom, or even me.  Because there is someone that cares and someone who wants to listen and help you.  Another post I saw on the page was a man holding up a piece of paper with this statement painted on it.

"Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse, suicide eliminates the chances of it ever getting better." I absolutely love this because it shows that it can get better.   Through this fandom there has been some rough patches but it gets better.  There was a time when Jared, Misha, and Jensen knew something was going on and they cared so much.  Someone cares.  Please always remember that a wise man once said, "Family don't end in blood. And it doesn't start there either." That was a pretty damn smart man.  There has to be something in this huge world that brings you happiness, find it, embrace it, enjoy it.  Honestly something that really helps me get stress out and calm down and feel better is writing for you guys.  I know that you guys actually care about my writing and some of you even private message me about something going on and I'm here to listen.  The fact that you guys have the strength the message me and trust me makes me feel really good about who I am.  I have even become great friends with people on here such as album_covers who is an absolutely beautiful person and a wonderful friend.  Who cares if we haven't met in person because she's been a hell of a friend and more helpful than other people I know.  That's how amazing this fandom is and how incredible you all are.

I mean isn't it pretty cool that we can bond of a small subject and all of a sudden you become the closest friends with that person and one day you can be talking about how beautiful Dean is and the next you can be talking about how your day has been bad and you just need to vent.  That's how beautiful this is fandom is.

Another amazing quote is from the one and only Jared Padalecki.  "If you can make a difference for one person, then it's worth it." Jared shows that no matter what you can change something whether it be the world or one human being.  You can do something and you're worth something.

Well there is part of my thoughts for the day! I'm sure there will be many more thoughts that I want to write about and I might, but if you guys don't like this then I won't I promise.  This was just something I felt I needed to do. Again don't forget how amazing you all are and how beautiful you are inside and out. I love you all!


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