He Helps You With Your Child

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~Your P.O.V.
"Babe, will you come in here?" I called from Mary's nursery. I had been rocking her for a good thirty minutes, but she just wouldn't fall asleep. I heard the door open more and saw Dean walk into the nursery.
"Yeah?" He walked up behind me, placing his hands on my waist. I faced him, and gave him a sad look.
"I can't get her to sleep Dean, and I don't know what to do, I've tried everything." I told him, fatigue taking over me.
"Here, I have an idea." Dean said reaching out towards Mary. I handed her over and took a deep breath. I sat down in the rocking chair and watched as Dean began to sing "Can't Fight This Feeling" as our daughter began to drift off to sleep. I loved how careful Dean was with Mary. Though he might come off as the big scary guy, he was so soft and sweet when it came to her. After a few minutes Dean was placing Mary in her crib. He leaned over and kissed her head, whispering the words "I love you Mary Jo." I walked up behind him, resting my head against his back.
"It seems like she likes me better." Dean smirked at me.
"No she doesn't!" I chuckled, softly hitting his arm. I grabbed his arm and began to walk out of the nursery. "Let's go to bed, I'm exhausted." I spoke to Dean, he nodded and closed the door behind him before heading towards the bedroom.

~Your P.O.V.
"Which ones his favorite?" Sam motioned towards the various baby foods in our cupboard. I finished drying the plate in my hand and set it aside before walking over next to him and our son, John Robert.
"He likes the peas." I pulled a tiny container out and handed it to Sam. I walked over and grabbed a baby spoon from the dishes recently washed, and put it next to John, who was sitting in his high chair. "I need to finish cleaning up the kitchen, you want to feed him." I asked Sam. He nodded and carried the food to John.
"Okay Johnny, you ready for some yummy food?" Sam spoke in a cute baby voice. I smiled at him as I continued to wipe down the counter. John just turned his face away from Sam and softly hit the table. "Oh come on John? It's your favorite...peas!" Sam informed John, scooping out a spoonful. John just huffed at him. "Here, you want daddy to try it?" I heard Sam say. I tried to contain the laughter, knowing what was going to happen next, and boy would I have loved to see Sam's face again. He quickly ran over to the trash can, spitting John's food out. I looked over, barely able to see with all the tears from laughing in my eyes, to see John laughing hard too. I guess you could say John was a smart kid unlike his daddy at times.
"Oh my god that is awful, that's like some sick form of child abuse, no wonder babies cry so much...I think I'm going to be sick." Sam cried out, while continuing to wipe his tongue with a napkin.

~Your P.O.V.
"Cas where are you?" I had been searching for him for a good couple of minutes. "Ella Jess needs a bath." After about five more minutes of searching, I found Cas in the bathroom, with water already ran, but it seemed to look like there was no water in there with all of the bubbles, which towered over me. "Cas, I think you put too much bubbles in." I giggled walking over next to him.
"Oh...I wasn't sure how much was required, so I just put the container in..." Cas trailed off. Boy was I in love with his little blond moments.
"We can fix it, it'll be fine. Just drain some of the water, but not all of it, and run new water. It should wash some of the bubbles out." I motioned towards the tub, which had bubbles reaching over the edge. Cas reached in and pulled the plug and turned to face us, and I nearly died from laughing. He had bubbles completely covering his face and looked absolutely adorable. I heard Ella make a cooing noise and reached for Cas. I placed her in his arms, and watched as she began poking the bubbles on his face and giggling. I bent over by the tub and began pushing some more of the bubbles towards the drain, before plugging it back up and running new water.
"There we go. She should be good to go now." I smiled to Cas before taking Ella and quickly unchanging her and placing her in the water. Her and her father began splashing around in the water and blowing bubbles towards each other with smiles painted across their faces. Ella reached forward and covered Castiel in bubbles once again. I began giggling but was cut off by Cas's lips on mine. I smiled through the kiss as he pulled away leaving bubbles on me. I heard a clapping noise and looked over to Ella to see her bouncing up and down and smiling.
"I love you (Y/N)." Cas leaned forward and quickly pecked me on the cheek.
"I love you too." I smiled back before continuing to play with Ella and Castiel with the bubbles.

A/N~ Over 1000 reads!! I am literally crying!! Thank you soooo much!!! This for sure made my night/week. Let me know what everyone thought and don't forget to request! I love you guys!!!

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