Sam Winchester Imagine~ All I Want For Christmas Is You

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~First of all I want to say I know it is obviously not Christmas time, but you want to know what? I don't care because I have been in the Christmas mood lately (yes I know it is August, don't judge me) and wnchxstxr requested one so that's what I'm doing. So yeah, Christmas.

"God, when was the last time we celebrated Christmas?" Sam questioned as he reached down and placed another bulb out of the box and placed it onto the tree.

"Uh, before I went to Hell?" Dean laughed. I watched Sam glare at him before rolling his eyes and focusing back on the tree. "I think the real question is when was the last time we had a real tree?" Dean leaned into the box of bulbs pulling out a red one.

"Never." Sam stated.

"Wait, you guys never had a tree?" I asked them in a shocked tone. Sam and Dean looked at each other and laughed before looking back at me.

"Unless you count a wreath of empty beer cans, no." Dean laughed. I honestly felt really bad that they didn't get to have good Christmas when they were growing up. So I was determined to give them an amazing Christmas!

"Well you know what, this is going to be the best Christmas ever then, because we are going to do all the Christmassy stuff like make a gingerbread house and cookies, and will sing Christmas Carols and all that stuff." I jumped up and down cheering like a little girl on Christmas morning. Dean looked over to Sam and groaned but Sam seemed to have the opposite reaction. He actually seemed super happy to celebrate, not that Dean wasn't but you know, Dean wasn't into all that chick flick stuff.

"Sounds like a plan!" Sam smiled. "Hey I'll go check if we have cookies in the freezer." Sam walked out of the library and towards the kitchen. I smiled to myself as I reached into my box of Christmas decorations and pulled out some lights to place on the tree.

"So are you going to tell him?" Dean grabbed the other end of the lights and began to place them at the top. I looked over at him confused as I began walking them around the tree. "That you like him? Sammy?" He smirked at me.

"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered. I didn't know that he knew I liked him. I mean I didn't think I was that obvious.

Since the first day I met Sam and Dean, when they saved me from a vamp I knew I liked him. I know a lot of people don't really believe in love at first sight but I do. I know I sound super girly, but hey I'm a girl so.

"Don't play dumb (Y/N). You're too smart for that." He laughed as I finished the lights. "I know you like my little Sammy."

"How did you find out?" I asked him as I continued to search through the boxes trying to distract myself. Dean reached in and grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"(Y/N)? Are you serious? The first time you two met each other I knew." He laughed. So I guess I was a little more obvious than I thought. "So are you going to tell him, or do I need to continue to watch you both admire each other from the distance for another year?" Dean smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at him but stopped after I realized what he meant.

"Wait, he likes me?" I could feel the heat on my cheeks as I spoke the simple words.

"Wow you two are so oblivious! He is obviously madly in love with you!" He laughed at me. I felt a grin begin to take over my face.

"Well, actually I was going to tell him as a Christmas gift. I know that's really cheesy, but." I began to tell Dean but I was cut off. I turned around to see Sam standing in the doorway behind us.

"I don't think its cheesy." He smiled at me. I looked back over to Dean who stood there grinning evilly.

"You knew he was there, didn't you." I smiled at him. He nodded and placed one last bulb onto the tree before walking towards Sam.

"Merry Christmas Sam." He winked at him. Sam nudged him and raised one hand scratching the back of his neck as Dean left the room.

" know now I guess." I tried to destroy the awkward silence. Sam began to walk towards me as I continued to talk. "A-and I totally get it if you don't like me and." I tried to finish but Sam cut me off by crashing his lips onto mine. I froze at first but it didn't take long for me to mimic his actions. Sam pulled away keeping his hands on both sides of my face though. Electricity radiated off of us as I stared at him in shock as he stood there smiling at me.

"I've been waiting since the day I set eyes on you to do that." He sighed. I nodded agreeing with him. He pulled his hands off of my face and placed them in mine.

"Merry Christmas (Y/N)." Sam bent down pulling me in for one more kiss.

"Merry Christmas Sammy."

A/N~ Christmas time brings me happiness. Tbh the episode gets me. Don't forget to request everybody and if you guys want to you can add me on kik: Payder13

So yepp happy holidays I guess lol.


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