Sam Winchester Imagine~ Guardian Angel

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Requested by: dreamwinchesters

"Just leave me alone." I shouted at Sam as I snatched up the keys to the impala and ran out the door.  I wiped away the tears that started to trail down my cheeks. I heard Sam's attempted calls but I refused to acknowledge him and jumped into "baby".  I quickly placed the keys in the ignition and began to switch the car out of park, not caring that Dean would be mad.

I floored the car and watched as the scenery passed by.  I blinked through the tears as I thought about the argument. 

"You're the one letting the slut all over you!" I argued back. We were at the bar and this stupid girl was all over him, and Sam did nothing about it. Of course I was mad at him

 "I wasn't letting her all over me. God! Why are you so jealous?" He shouted back at me. I just rolled my eyes at his ridiculous question. "You need to stop freaking out!"

"Whatever Sam! You know you were and I can't believe you would.  You're pathetic!" I let the words fall out of my mouth.

"You can be a real bitch sometimes, you know that!" Sam's words pierced me.  Out of anything in the would, Sam knew I hated when someone called me that.

"Just leave me alone."

Honestly there was so much more to the argument.  So many more words said that I hated rethinking about.  It seemed like he didn't even care about me anymore, he didn't care if that girl was all over him, or the fact that I was watching. 


I didn't see the car coming.  The flash of lights to my side or the red light he had just ran.  I just felt the impact.  The metal that crushed against my side.   The broken glass that cut me and still sat in my (H/C) hair.  I watched as the blood seeped out of my side.  The cries muffling my screams. I knew the cut was too deep.

I rethought about Sam and our argument.  How I wished I would have just stayed.  If I could turn back time and just forget about it and kiss him, apologizing.  I pictured the small smile that would appear on his face when he saw me, or how he would throw in small winks at me, messing around.  I thought about how Dean would have just Sam again.  I wouldn't be there anymore.  I began collecting all of the memories I had with the Winchesters as my time was running out.  This wasn't supposed to happen

Then black.


I felt my self wake up slowly.  I groaned out of obvious reaction but felt nothing. No pain.  I looked around and realized I wasn't in the impala.  This wasn't the crash.  I observed my surroundings as I realized where I was. 

I was in my old house.  The one I had partially grown up in.  This house was the only really perfect thing in my life.  Both my mother and my father were alive when we lived in the house. The memories here were the ones I cherished. I walked over and picked up a picture frame that sat on the counter.  It was a photo of my mother, father, and I, the day of my 7th birthday.  I was holding the puppy that I had got for my gift that day.  I swore when I was younger that was the best thing ever. 

I heard a small whoosh that distracted me.  I looked back and saw a man standing behind me.

"Who are you?" I questioned him as I placed the picture frame back down.

"Hello (Y/N).  My name is Joshua." He nodded towards me.  I squinted my eyes as I heard his name.  I swore Sam had told me something about the angel named Joshua.

"You're an angel aren't you?" I took a step forward towards him. He nodded at me.  I thought about it for a minute before I realized that this could only mean one thing. "I'm in heaven." I took a deep breath and looked down at the ground.  I saw the stain on the carpet where I spilled red punch all over and we couldn't get it off.  I swore, I thought my mom was going to kill me.

"Yes.  I am sorry to inform you, but you had died in that car accident." Each word Joshua said sent bolts of pain through me.  I felt a few tears slip down my cheeks as I stood there staring at the stupid stain. What was I going to do?  What was Sam going to do? Sam!

"What about Sam, does he know?" I sniffled.  Joshua nodded at me sadly. I took a deep breath as I tried my best to fight more tears.

"I have a job for you (Y/N)." Joshua spoke confidently.  I looked back up at Joshua and wiped a tear of my cheek before raising an eyebrow. "I want you to be Sam's Guardian Angel." I felt my eyes go wide.

"Wait, I can be with Sam?" I asked him with a grin on my face. Joshua nodded and smiled at me. "Thank you Joshua!" I nearly shouted as I ran forward and hugged him, not realizing the awkwardness.  It took a moment before Joshua hugged me back.  Though I didn't exactly think he would.  It was reassuring.

"You're welcome." Joshua nodded before disappearing.  Within a second I realized that I was now in the bunker and no longer at my home. I ran through the halls searching for Sam.  I had finally found him in his room.  He had his hands covering his face with a photo of him and I lying next to him on the bed.
"Sam." I breathed out.  He slowly looked at me, wide-eyed.

"(Y/N)?" He asked. Not moving at all.  I nodded and took a step forward. He flinched back and placed his hand under his pillow and slid away from me. "What are you?" Sam shouted angrily at me as he pulled the gun from under his pillow.  I threw my hands up in the air as he held the gun high.
"Stop. Sam!" I shouted towards him. 

"N-no! You're not (Y/N).  She's dead." Sam choked on the last word. I slowly placed my hand back by my sides.

"Watch." I demanded him as I felt a pair of wings appear behind me.  Sam slowly brought the gun down as a tear slipped down his cheek.
"You're an angel?" Sam gasped. I smiled at him as a tear slipped out.  

"I'm your angel Sam."

A/N~ I'm an awful person. I honestly don't know how I have friends or how people even like me if they do. 

Actually ignore that, lets just talk about the imagine.  So what do you guys think.  Please let me know if you guys want a part two. Thanks. I'm sorry for not updating.


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