You Die During Child Birth

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Requested by: alooga

Dean~ Dean held in as much as possible. He wanted to stay strong for your son: Xavier Zayne Winchester, but both Sam and Cas began to become worried for Dean. Beyond scared to be honest. They knew it wasn't odd for Dean to keep to himself when things like this happened, but this wasn't just anybody. This was his beautiful wife, that he loved so damn much. Dean became distant and scared. Dean didn't want Xavier to grow up and become a hunter, he promised that he would keep him from that lifestyle, it's what you both wanted. It was a week later before he broke. He cried for hours holding his t-shirt you always wore. When the boys couldn't find Dean they expected he just went to the bar, but were shocked when they found him upstairs in the nursery holding baby Xavier and humming a lullaby, with a few tears slipping down his cheeks.

Sam~ Sam held your baby girl that was a spitting image of you. He felt a tear slip down as he smiled down at your beautiful little girl; (Y/N) Mary Winchester. You wanted to name her Mary Noel, but Sam decided he wanted to name her after you, he thought that you would like that too. It was two weeks after you had passed, and Sam still couldn't move himself to go to the room you two had shared, he spent every long night in the nursey with her. He couldn't bare to move the perfume containers that sat on the counter, Hell, your toothbrush still sat in the holder. There were nights when Dean and Cas came in and found him crying in the chair with his knees held to his chest, weeping you name and shouting to the skies, asking why it had to be you.

Cas~ Cas didn't know much emotions there were until it happened. He felt all different kinds of sorrows and sadness that he didn't even know existed. Cas wasn't sure if he could take care of your baby by himself, but Dean and Sam both assured him that they would be there for him and that they would help. Cas decided to name your daughter after your mother, and he chose his favorite name for her middle name, Marion. Cas knew one thing for sure as he held your daughter carefully in his arms, he would do everything for your child. Cas knew where you were going, and that was straight to heaven, and he knew that you would visit your beautiful daughter every day of her life.

A/N~ So I actually took this from my preferences book because I felt like you guys would love some feels.  Please let me know what you think and don't forget to request.


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