Sam Winchester Imagine~ Girl Crush

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A/N~ So I decided to do a song imagine.  So please let me know what you think and If you would like to see more like it.

I got a girl crush.  Hate to admit it but, I got a hard rush.  It's slowing down. 

I saw the happiness in your eyes as you spun her drunkenly around the bar, laughing and smiling. But, you didn't notice me.

I got it real bad.  Want everything she has.  That smile and that midnight laugh, she's giving you now.

She tripped over your feet, hanging on to you as she nearly cried.  I took the fourth shot glass in front of me and downed it, sliding it back towards the bartender who looked at me with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

I want to taste her lips.  Yeah, 'cause they taste like you.  I want to drown myself in a bottle of her perfume.  I want her long blonde hair.

I looked at every aspect of her as you leaned forward and kissed her softly.  The way you used to kiss me.  I felt the anger and sadness hit me all at once. 

I want her magic touch. Yeah, 'cause maybe then you'd want me just as much.  I got a girl crush.  I got a girl crush.

It had been a year since it happened.  I thought I would be okay by now.  I was wrong. What did she have that I didn't? I stood up and walked out of the bar not able to handle it anymore.

I don't get no sleep.  I don't get no peace.  Thinking about her.  Under your bed sheets.

The clock read 1:26am as I tossed and turned.  Another sleepless night.  I placed my hand over the right side of the bed were your body once claimed the spot.  I gently pulled the covers up towards me, praying to just smell the cologne you wore one last time.

The way that she's whispering.  The way that she's pulling you in. Lord knows I've tried, I can't get her off my mind.

Pictures of you two flashed in my mind, like a slideshow that never ended.  I thought of the two of you tightly held together.

I want to taste her lips.  Yeah, 'cause they taste like you.  I want to drown myself in a bottle of her perfume.  I want her long blonde hair.

I stood up and walked towards the bathroom, staring at my reflection in the mirror.  I took a strand of my hair and twisted it, searching for something inside.

I want her magic touch.  Yeah, 'cause maybe then you'd want me just as much.

I wrapped my hands around my waist, remembering the times you would sneak up on me and attack me with little kisses.

I got a girl crush.  I got a girl crush.  Hate to admit it but,  I got a hard rush.  It ain't slowing down.

I need you Sam Winchester.

A/N~ Please let me know what you think about this.  I am pretty darn proud of it!  Please send in requests,  I would be overjoyed to do some.  OMG and thank you so much for over 15,000 views and almost 500 favorites!  I love you guys oh so much!!!


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