Castiel Imagine: Meeting The Family

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Requested by: CastielsLostGrace and I understand you requested this a long time ago and I'm sorry I'm just now getting it up, but I hope you like it.

"Calm down Cas, okay? Everything will be great."  Castiel was finally meeting my parents and lets just say he was kind of on the shaky side.   I put my hands up to his tie and fixed it as I nodded at him.  I watched as he was breathing deeply and trying to nod confidently, but I knew he was still scared to death. 

"Cas, you'll do great.  Because I love you and that's all that matters." I smiled at him as I leaned forwards and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.   I pulled away and looked at him as he smiled back down at me. "You ready?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He took a deep breath and nodded.   I laced my hand in his and stepped forward knocking on the front door.   I was greeted by my mother who pulled me in for a tight hug nearly screaming about how happy she was to see me.  After what felt like forever she finally pulled away still keeping her perfume lingering on me.  She then looked over to Castiel and smiled brightly as she looked back at me, giving me a look which I took as she wanted me to introduce him. 

"Oh, yeah." I laughed. "Mom this is my boyfriend Castiel, Castiel this is my mother (Y/M/N)." I informed her.  She walked forward and pulled him into a tight hug, which he was a little shocked by at first, but he returned the hug anyways. 

"It is so nice to finally meet you Castiel." She smiled brightly as she pulled away from the hug.  "Here come inside.  You're father is in the living room watching the game." She moved her hands motioning towards the house before turning and walking in herself. 

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you.  My mom is kind of a really affectionate person." I leaned up and whispered to him.  He looked down at me and glared at me jokingly.  My mom lead us to the living room where my father sat in his usual chair with he eyes glued to the television.

"(Y/F/N), (Y/N) and Castiel are here!" My mom announced to my father. 

"Oh, hey darling!" My dad jumped up and gave me a soft hug and pulled away still smiling.

"Hey Dad." I smiled at him. "This is Castiel." I motioned up to Cas.  My father's smile went into a straight line as he walked forward and gripped Cas's hand tightly, shaking it.

"Hello Castiel, I'm (Y/F/N)." My dad spoke in what could have passed as a death tone.  I looked over at my mom and gave her a displeasing look at my dad's attempt to scare Cas.

"It's nice to meet you sir." Cas nodded at him.  He continued to keep he confident glare as Castiel slipped his hand out of my father's. 

"How about food?" I quickly changed the subject trying to seem reassuring to Cas. 

"Oh yeah, c'mon it's already finished." My mom brought her hand up and motioned for us to follow her into the kitchen.  My father was first to follow as I stayed back with Cas.

"Hey babe, don't mind my father.  He is just trying to intimidate you.  Don't let him get to you okay?" I tried to calm Cas down but the only thing I could get out of him was a small nod.  I placed my hand back in his and began walking towards the kitchen.  

My mother had all the food placed nicely on the table in her best dishes that were only used for holidays and birthdays.  I was kind of happy to see her effort in making dinner the best.  She had decided to make my favorite meal, Chicken Alfredo with salad on the side.  My mom knows me too well I thought to myself.

Castiel being the gentlemen he was pulled my chair out for me.  I kindly thanked him as walked toward his seat.  As he went to sit down I watched the table cloth get hooked onto a button on his coat.  I was the one who created the hole in the table cloth when I was younger because I was pulling it on the floor towards the kitchen and it got snagged on a nail.  I mentally punched myself due to the irresponsible action and of course Castiel would get the side with the hole in it. 

The next few seconds went by rather quickly.  First Castiels motion towards sitting down dragged the table cloth with him and knocked half of the food onto the floor causing glass to shatter everywhere.   Then my mother nearly died as she watched her best dishes shatter to the ground.  My father sat there shocked as he watched it all play out.  I swear it could have passed as some scene from a movie.  I quickly jumped up and crouched down towards Cas who was covered in sauce and lettuce. 

"Cas, are you okay?" I wiped some glass off of his coat and began to help him up.

"Yes (Y/N), I'm fine." He answered quietly.  Once he stood up I could really see the mess on him.  There was sauce on his cheek and staining his coat while a few noodles stuck to it.  I quickly grabbed a napkin not worrying about my parents right now as I began to wipe the sauce off of his cheek.  He stopped me though as he looked over at both of my parents who still sat wide-eyed.

"Mrs. and Mr. (Y/L/N), I apologize for what I did.  I didn't have any intentions on doing it."  My father was the first to speak while my mother just stared down at the shattered glass that resembled a carpet on the ground.

"This is the man you were proud enough to bring home?" My father questioned me.  I looked at him in total disbelief as he continued to speak. "Ha, this man is pathetic." He laughed in my face.  I looked up to Castiel who looked shocked and on the verge of tears.  I then looked back at my mother who was staring at my father angrily.  I didn't understand why he was being so cruel?

"(Y/F/N)." My mother nearly growled at my dad.  Castiel looked at my father and down at me before walking out of the room embarrassed. 

"Really dad.  I can't believe you would say something like that.  You're unbelievable." I glared at him angrily.  He began to try and argue the situation out but stopped.  My mother still sat there quietly not saying anything. 
"I love this man and that's how you're going to treat him?  You know what I don't need your permission or consent on who I date.  You don't get a say anymore." I knew what I was saying was cruel but honestly right now he was an awful man and I was furious with him.

"Thanks for dinner, really." I sarcastically spoke and walked out of the room towards the car where Cas sat quietly.  I opened the car door and sat next to him not saying anything at first.  Cas didn't look at me at all and I knew I needed to say something.

"Cas.  I'm sorry he said that.  It was wrong." I spoke quietly.  Castiel continued to look forward not saying anything.  "Cas please look at me." I placed my hand on his.  He slowly looked over at me and shook his head.

"I can't believe I did that.  That was beyond embarrassing.  I really let you down." He spoke sadly.  I felt a pang of guilt in my chest as I watched his face.  I leaned forward and grabbed his other hand making sure he would listen to me.   I could see how his eyes had turned from the usual bright blue to a dull grey.
"No, you didn't let me down.  My father was the one that let me down.  It was an accident." I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.  It was short but reassuring.   I pulled away from him, but I didn't let go.

"Cas I love you.  And what he thinks doesn't matter to me because I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world.  Okay?" I asked him still holding his hands.

"I love you too (Y/N)." He nodded to me, but I could still see the sadness that lingered.

"Hey, you know what?  Who cares if you were a little clumsy and a little accident happened, because no matter what I will always love you.  Nothing will stop that." I spoke sweetly and leaned forward hugging him tightly. "Always."

A/N~ So what do you think??? I wasn't quite sure how to end this so yeah.  Sad Cas honestly makes me sad.  OH my god I am watching unfriended and ugh I'm like super angry and ugggggghhhh.   I can't that was a super white girl moment.  Oh well.  Back to supernatural.  Let me know what you think and don't forget to request! Thanks fam!


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