Castiel Imagine~ I Trust You

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~Your P.O.V.

"I had a great time tonight, Cas. It was really nice not having to be focused on a hunt 24/7, and just hanging out with you." You and Cas had just gotten back from the movies, you couldn't quite remember what the movie was called, but it was hilarious and it seemed that Cas liked it too. Even if he didn't get all the jokes, he still smiled through the whole thing. You both had just walked into the bunker, where you saw Dean and Sam eating, while looking through some old books.
"I'm really happy you had a good time (Y/N), I did too." Castiel smiled at you, before following down to where the boys were sitting.
"Hey (Y/N), there's and extra burger sitting in the kitchen if you want it?" Dean spoke, his mouth half full, before flipping another page.
"Oh man I'd love one!" I gave Cas a quick peck on the cheek before jumping up and heading towards the kitchen. "I'll be right back." I told the boys, before turning the corner and heading out.

~Castiel's P.O.V.
"So how'd it go?" I heard Sam question me. I thought for a minute before responding to him. I had only been on a few 'dates' with (Y/N), but they seemed to be going great for me.
"I think it went am I supposed to know if it went good though?" I was confused, how must I know what she feels. (Y/N) said she had a good time, I think that means she did.
"You'll know Cas." Dean winked at me. I didn't quite understand why he winked, but I nodded like I kind of understood.
"So are you going to show her tonight? I think that is a really big step." Sam asked me, which caused Dean to look up.
"Yes, I am. I want her to know I trust her." I had finally decided I was going to to show (Y/N) my wings. I know that doesn't sound like a big step in a relationship to some people, but I feel like it is. She's been there for me through everything, and I think I might be falling in love with (Y/N). At least that's what Sam and Dean insist. I heard footsteps, and looked over to see (Y/N) entering the room, with a plate. She took a bite before sitting down and looking over at Sam.
"So what do we have here?" She motioned to the books.
"Not sure yet, but we are thinking it's another poltergeist." Dean spoke up. (Y/N) and the boys carried on with the conversation, but I was too focused on (Y/N) to join in. She was so beautiful.
After about an hour or two, the boys had decided to call it a night. They trailed off to bed, as they left I grabbed (Y/N).

~Your P.O.V.
"(Y/N) can I talk to you in private?" I felt Cas grab my arm. I turned towards him and nodded. We walked to the kitchen to drop off my plate and then headed to my bedroom.
"What is it Cas?" I smiled before shutting my door and sitting down on the bed. Cas stood still, not moving. He seemed nervous, and I began to become a little worried.
"(Y/N), I want to show you something that I only show people I trust. I trust you. You've been through a lot of things with me. You've seen me at some terrible times that I regret, but you didn't give up on me." Cas spoke beginning to take his trench coat off. I was nervous now. I sat there not taking my eyes off him. He removed his buttoned shirt and stood there for a minute before it happened. A set of black wings appeared. They were torn up yes, but they were absolutely gorgeous. I sat up from the bed and walked up over towards him. I put my hand up feeling the softness of a black feather. I looked up at Cas to see him staring back at me.
"They're...gorgeous Cas. I trust you too Cas." Was all I could say. There was so much more I wanted to say, but I couldn't get the words out, I was stunned.
I saw Cas take a deep breath before beginning to speak again, "(Y/N)...I think I'm in love with you." He looked down In an adorably shy way. I had waited to hear those words since I met him, and when he finally asked me on a date a couple weeks ago I was overjoyed, but know I couldn't breath at all. I leaned forward and kissed his lips, before pulling away.
"Cas, I love you too."

A/N~ I'm not super proud of this one, but I really wanted to get one up for you. I want to make a huge apology for not updateding, and I feel awful because I've just been packed with softball and exams, and I have conditioning tonight too, but let me know what you think, and don't forget to request!

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