Castiel Imagine~ Cyberbullying

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Requested by: CastielsLostGrace

~Trigger Warning.

~(First of all I just want to say that cyberbullying is a cruel thing and should NEVER EVER be done. Any form of bullying should never be done. I want to let everyone know that if they have any problems going on you can message me.  It doesn't have to just be about cyberbullying, it can be about anything.  I will always be here for you.  Remember a wise man once said, "Family don't end in blood.")

With each comment I read another tear hit the cold floor.  I racked my brain searching for reasons that people would want to hate me.  I repeated every word I read out loud.

"Whore." One comment said under a photo I had with the guys. Whore...really? We were all friends.  I wasn't sleeping around with them! People just assume stuff.

"Slut." Another one read under a photo Dean had taken of me in the library. I was wearing shorts and a tank-top. How was that sluttish? I continued to read the poisonous comments that made me feel like I was being stabbed repeatedly. I didn't understand people sometimes.  How could they make someone feel so they were a waste of space.  This wasn't the first time I had received comments like this.  I had always been bullied when I was younger. No one knew about it...not cas...not dean...not one.  I grew up a hunter and I knew that there were monsters with us.  I remember the supposedly clever nickname I was given: demon girl. 

"Kill yourself." That's the one that hit me.  I had fought all of these mean comments and remarks for years but....I couldn't do it anymore.  I dropped the laptop onto the floor and started walking towards the bathroom.   I searched the cabinet until I finally found what I was looking for.  Once I had the container of pills emptied into my hands I took a deep breath.  Was I really ready for this.  Was No this is what I want.  I wiped away the tears that fell down my cheeks as I slowly brought the pills towards my mouth.  I felt the pills brush against my lips but I was stopped by a knock on the door.

"(Y/N), are you in there." I heard Castiel questioning me causing me to jump and drop the pills all over the floor.

"No!" I cried out seeing the pills spread out on the floor. Why did he have to show up now? "Cas just leave me alone, please." I shouted collecting all off the pills off of the floor.  I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Cas staring down at me.

"(Y/N)?" Cas spoke quietly.  I placed the pills on the floor and threw my body down.

"Cas. Why are you here? Why won't you just leave me? Let me leave?" I shouted as each tear hit the floor.

"(Y/N), what do you mean?" Cas sat down next to me and pulled me onto his lap, letting me cry into his trench coat.  He looked at the floor and saw all the pills and then looked at me. "W-Were you going to kill yourself...?" Cas spoke with his voice cracking on the sentence.

"Cas, I-I. I'm not worth it.  Read the comments. They don't want me here. No one ever did." I felt Cas place his hand on my back and begin to rub circles into before he pulled my face out of his chest and forced me to look up into his bright blue eyes.

"(Y/N), you honestly don't understand how much you're worth do you?  You mean the world to Sam and mean everything to me.  (Y/N) I don't know what we would do with out you.  I couldn't do anything with out you.  (Y/N), I think I am in love with you." Castiel's words took me aback. I saw a tear slip down his cheek. Was he serious did I mean that much to them? Wait did Cas just say he loved me?

"Cas.." But I was cut off when his soft lips crashed onto mine.

"(Y/N), don't do this to yourself. Don't do this to me." Cas whispered still keeping his face close to mine.

"I-I love you too." Was this only words I could get out.  They were wrong I did mean something.  Everyone means something.  It just takes the right person to show you.

A/N~ Thank you all for so many reads you guys mean the world to me. Everyone of you is so important so please remember that.  Also let me know what you think and request!  I love you all!


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