You Two Get Back Together

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(6 Months later)

"Thank you." I smiled towards the drive thru man  pulling the burger in the car and starting to head back to my little motel.  About fifteen minutes of Led Zeppelin blaring through my car radio I was at the motel. I pulled out my motel key and opened the door only to drop my bag of food on the ground.

"D-Dean..." I felt adrenaline hit every inch of my body as I tried to convince myself to move forward, but nothing worked and I stood as still as a statue. There in front of my sat the man I had been trying to forget and failed miserably at.

"(Y/N)...uh hey." Dean scratched the back of his neck and stood up from the tiny bed I had been using for the past 6 months.

"W-what are you doing did you find me." I scratched my shoulder, but my feet still resigned in the same spot they had moments before.

"Well it wasn't easy, but I had to." Dean had walked up to me closing the door that remained open behind me. I felt his shoulder brush against mine, and the electricity hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Dean." I sighed but he cut me off.

"No-no let me talk.  I need to...(Y/N) I have been searching for you for six damn months.  I called you and you never answered! I honestly thought you were dead..."Dean's voice broke on the last sentence, and I felt a little part of me break with it. I looked down at the ground, scared to make eye contact with him.  No, I wasn't scared of him, I was scared of what would happen if I did.  If all the feelings I had been avoiding would come back and hit me.

"(Y/N), please look at me.  Say something." I felt Dean place his had on my cheek and slowly move my face upwards, and boy was I right.  The moment I made eye contact with his bright green eyes, everything came back.  All the nights we listened to music and danced along not caring at all.  All the times he taught me to hunt, just so I was protected whenever he wasn't there, which never happened.  He was always there to protect me.

"Dean, I'm sorry." I felt my knees go weak as he caught me, and pulled me over towards the bed.  I sat down and threw my arms around him.  He was taken a bit by shock before he pulled me closer to him.

"Shhh, it's okay. We're okay." He spoke as he rubbed tiny circles into my lower back.

"It's not okay Dean.  I shouldn't have just left you, I shouldn't have done that to you.  I love you so much, and I thought I would help us both if I just left. Dean...I was so wrong. I've been a mess since then. I need you." I whispered into his shoulder. Dean pulled my face upwards and looked me in the eye before leaning forward and kissing me.  It was passionate and full of need, but wasn't rough. He broke away and looked back at me.

"I'm not going anywhere...I love you."


 I walked into the local library and headed to my usual spot; an open chair in the far back corner.  I know it makes me sound like a loner, but no that's not it.  The main reasons I had taking a liking to this secluded section was because one; I could focus on the task at hand and two; I don't get weird looks when I'm doing research.  Yes, I had continued hunting.  I couldn't just stop.  When I had met the Winchesters I was a help to nobody, I didn't change lives like I had planned since I was little.  Now, you could say I was high on the idea of helping others, and I wasn't stopping.

So here I sat headphones in and with a book on the towns history, trying to figure out what the hell was going on here.  The town says there's a local witch, well I mean they thought it was a legend until people were going missing left and right, but now everyone is getting on the superstitious side.

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