Castiel Imagine~ Movie Night

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"Guys, ugh! I don't want to stay here alone while you two go on a hunt! I could be helpful like..." You tried to think of ways that you could help, but honestly there wasn't. You weren't quite ready for hunting, but you had been working hard at getting better.

"Exactly (Y/N)." Dean said, grabbing his bag off the counter. "I have an idea, you could invite Cas over for a movie night." Dean wiggled his eyebrows when he sad 'Cas'. Sam smiled and chuckled a little.

"That is a great idea Dean, I completely agree." Sam said with some sass thrown in. So both boys knew you might like Cas a little bit (a lot!), but you knew there was no way Cas could like you. He was an Angel and you were, well just a normal girl.

You smirked at both the boys, "I will then.". Sam grabbed up the last bag and started to head towards the door.

"Sounds great (Y/N), we will be back later tonight." He said before opening it.

"Be safe guys!" You told them before hugging them both and closing the door behind them. You walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch, grabbing Sam's laptop and opening Netflix. "Cas?" You questioned looking around, waiting for him to show up. You heard the flutter of wings and turned your head to see Castiel standing there.

"Hello (Y/N)." He smiled at you.

"Hey Cas, I was wondering since the boys are on a hunt, if you might want to watch a movie with me?" You gestured towards the laptop screen.

"I'd like that." Cas said, starting to walk over to sit next to you on the couch.

"What kind of movie do you want?" You questioned him.

"You choose." Cas smiled back.

"Okay, how about a scary movie? We could watch..." You scrolled through the horror section. "Oh 'Vile'? That's supposed to be a good one." You looked at Cas waiting for a response.

"Okay." Cas smiled at you. You clicked the movie and got comfortable. It was definitely a good one. It was a little suspenseful but gorey. The movie didn't really scare Cas, you on the other hand were a little jumpy. There was one scene where they put an iron on the a guys stomach, which caused you to jump a little, but Cas put his arm around you, reassuring you that it was just a movie. You started to get really tired, and started to drift off towards the end of the movie. You soon were completely out, sleeping in Cas's arms. A few hours later you heard a door open up, and the familiar voices of Sam and Dean.

"Nice job Dean, I honestly thought I was done for." You heard Sam say.

"Nah, I had that thing. Stupid son of bitch scratched me up a little though. I'm going to take a shower." You could heard Dean dropping his bags, but you continued to stay partially asleep, having no motivation to move. You started to fall deeper asleep hearing only some things said.

"Guys could you quiet down just a little bit. (Y/N) is asleep." Cas told the boys, you smiled a little bit. You could heard Sam and Deans footsteps as they entered the room.

"Aww how cute, little (Y/N) all snuggled up to Cassie." Dean said. There was some more talking said, but you couldn't hear anymore. You were completely out.

Cas P.O.V.:
(Y/N) was so beautiful sleeping. She honestly looked like the angel here. I removed the laptop from her lap when the movie ended, placing it on the counter. I let (Y/N) continue to sleep against my chest. I had this weird feeling inside of me. Like electricity when we touched. There was a loud noise, and Sam and Dean came into sight, talking about Dean saving Sam or something, but I didn't move, scared to wake (Y/N).

"Guys could you quiet down just a little bit. (Y/N) is asleep." I asked them. Dean smiled at Sam before looking at me.

"Aww how cute, little (Y/N) all snuggled up to Cassie." Dean spoke in a babyish voice.

"I have a question." I stated looking down at (Y/N) then looking back at the boys.

"Shoot." Sam said.

"What does it mean when you get this lump in your throat, or when feel electricity when you touch someone, or when you want to protect them and never let anyone hurt them. That's how I feel about (Y/N), but I don't know what it is. I have this weird feeling inside, am I sick?" I questioned them, not taking my eyes off of (Y/N). The boys both smiled when I looked back at them.

"Love buddy, it's love." Dean said before exiting the room with Sam following behind him.

"Love?" I thought to myself, before looking back at (Y/N) and getting lost in my thoughts. I was in love with (Y/N)...

A/N So I'm kind of really happy with this one. I just really like the idea, but let me know what you think! Don't forget to request!

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