Sam Winchester Imagine~ Long Nights and Painful Fights

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Your P.O.V.
"Sammy what's been going on with you lately?" I spoke angrily to the man drinking yet another beer in front of me. I had just got home from shopping with my friend Melissa and of course he would be drinking.
"I'm fine." Sam mumbled to me, partially slurring his words. I dropped the shopping bags from my hands and crossed my arms.
"Sam, you aren't fine! How many beers is this now?" I yelled motioning to the half empty bottle in his hands. "Please Sam, I need you to talk to me, if you want me to help you."
"I don't need any help (Y/N). Why is it okay for Dean to get drunk but not me, huh?" Sam had walked over to me, leaving the bottle behind him.
"Dean doesn't turn out like this!" I threw my hands up in frustration. Something had been going on lately. We had been always arguing, and Dean had also tried to talk to him, but nothing worked. I felt a tear slip down my check, but I quickly wiped it away.
"Whatever I don't care anymore. I'm tired of you and Dean always bothering me about this stupid stuff. You know what, I'd be a hell of a lot better if you weren't here!" Sam yelled at me. My mouth dropped, and it seemed Sam began to realize what he had said, but I didn't care. I could feel the heat of my tears on my cheeks and I quickly grabbed the keys sitting on the counter, and ran towards the door. I heard Sam shout for my name, but I didn't stop. And with that I was gone.

A/N~ Yay! Finally and update! Thank you guys so much for being so patient! I honestly feel awful for not updating lately! I also have two other supernatural related stories on my page if you'd like to check them out? Please let me know what you think and don't forget to request! Thank you so much for over 4,000 views!!! I love you all so much!

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