Sam Winchester Imagine~ You're Worth It

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"Sammy behind you!" You screamed as the Demon ran up behind him. Sam turned on his heels, bearing the demon knife. The demon was faster though and threw him against the wall pinned opposite of Dean, forcing him to drop the knife. You ran up towards Sam trying to grab the demon knife, but felt yourself being thrown against the table across the room. You could feel the puddle of blood starting to form on your forehead, but you couldn't focus on that you had to help Sam and Dean.

"(Y/N)" You heard both boys scream in unison. You slowly began to stand up, trying to focus. There was some blood running down your face but you wiped it away, before looking back up, wishing you hadn't. You saw the Demon grab Sam's arm and twist it, breaking it.

"No!" You shouted, but you couldn't be heard over the screams of pain.

"You son of bitch!" You heard Dean yell at the monster, it slowly turning around with a smirk smeared across it's face. Dean looked at you, like he was trying to tell you something, then looked away at the blade. You understood what he wanted now.

"Now, now Dean, that's not very nice. You know I could easily do the same thing to you...or worse." Dean gritted his teeth but didn't show any fear.

"I'm not scared of you." He spoke back confidently. As Dean continued to distract the Demon, you slowly crept towards where Sam was pinned against the wall, but making an effort to look at him. You could hear little whimpers come out of his mouth, and you knew if you looked up at him you would lose it. You found the blade lying down near the demons feet. You took a breath, knowing you only had one chance to do this. You looked back at Dean once more, he looked and nodded the tiniest bit, signaling you to go.

You lunged forward and snatched the blade quickly cutting the side of the Demon. He screamed out in agony, dropping both boys on the side of you, before falling backwards. You jumped at him and stabbed him, watching his eyes flicker back to regular and the light leaving him. Dean ran over to double check the demon, but you weren't worried about it anymore. You were only focused on Sam. You ran up to him quickly making sure nothing else was wrong with him.

"Nice job." He smiled, trying to cover up some of the pain. You looked into his eyes, laughing a little bit, but also hurting inside. You didn't like seeing him in any pain.

"Well thank you, but we need to get you out of here, and get that arm fixed up." You started to pick him up, and walked over by Dean.

"Way to go (Y/N). You really kicked his ass." Dean spoke to you. You just smiled, before walking towards the Impala. You hopped in back with Sam, leaving Dean up front.

"Did you get hurt anywhere else?" You questioned Sam, looking over his body for any blood stains.

"It's just my arm." He replied looking down at it. "Let me see your forehead." He said reaching forward.

"It's just a little cut, I'll be fine." You moved away from his reach, not wanting him to focus on you.

"That's not just a little cut (Y/N). I think you might need stitches." He pulled you forward.

"Yeah definitely stitches." He mumbled under his breath.

"Well don't worry about that, I'll have Dean stitch it up when we get home, after I fix your arm up." You looked in his eyes.

"I never said thank you for saving us back there. You really did a good job, better than Dean has ever done if you ask me." He whispered the last part.

"Hey! I heard that, she did good yes, but not as good as me! And, your not that good at whispering." Dean smiled at you through the rear view window. You burst out laughing, almost to the point of crying. "Were home!" Dean spoke turning the car off, and getting out. You waited for Sam to get out before crawling out his side and following inside behind him.

"Hey Dean don't you guys have a sling or something around here?" You called to Dean.

"Yeah check the first aid kit." You walked over to grab the first aid kit as Sam sat at the table. You brought it back to the table, and started removing the stuff he would need.

"Go get you forehead sewn up before you fix my arm. It can wait a minute." Sam said, starting to get the needle and thread out to take to Dean.

"It'll only take a minute Sammy. Then I promise I'll go to Dean." You told him smiling.

"Fine." You begin to wrap his arm up, putting the sling over his shoulder, Sam not taking his eyes off you the entire time.

"Okay, that'll do for now." You said, finishing up. You looked back at Sam to see him staring at your lips. You looked down at his before looking back up. You liked Sam, but you could never go through actually telling him that. Dean knew you liked him too, but promised he wouldn't tell, though there were many times he would act like it, making you freak out. Sam began to lean in towards you, you mimicking his actions. His lips were soon on yours, you had been waiting for him to kiss you since the first day you met him. It felt absolutely perfect. You smiled at him, when he pulled away.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." Sam said to you. You smiled back at him, happiness filling you, while distracting you from your forehead. "Now go get that fixed up." He motioned towards your head. You stood up grabbing the needle and thread and headed out to find Dean.

A/N I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated. My Wi-Fi was shut off the last couple of days because of some issues, and I just had a lot of stuff going on with school and sports. I'm sorry, and I'll try to get another one up as soon as possible. Soo....yeah let me know why you think, and send in request!

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