Sam Winchester Imagine~ Indecisive

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Requested by: doooweooo

"W-What?" The word rolled off you're tongue as you felt you're eyes began to water.  You're heart rate began to speed up as you saw Sam standing there as if he wasn't affected at all by his choice.

"(Y/N), I don't love you anymore." Sam spoke in a blank voice.  I felt my knees began to go weak but I stood my ground. "I love Jess." Those three words made me feel like I had been stabbed repeatedly  in the chest.  I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I looked at Sam with an expression I had never felt towards him before.

"You never even loved me did you.  You used me to get to her, didn't you!" I screamed at him letting the anger and sadness over whelm me.  "I can't believe you!  I-I never would have expected something like this from you.  You of all people." The words were spoken so easily, so smoothly.  I walked forward towards Sam accusingly. 

"(Y/N), I-I'm sorry.  I did love you, but she..." Sam spoke keeping his voice quiet.

"No, you didn't." I looked up into those eyes that I once looked at with so much love and now all I showed was hate and disgust.  "Don't lie to me."  Sam looked down at the ground, breaking the focused gaze I had on him. "God I was such and idiot!" The tears now cascading down my cheeks. "I let you play me like some twisted game."

Sam looked down at me and brought his hand up towards my cheek to wipe away the tears but I turned my head quickly and grabbed his hand.

"Don't touch me." I directed without looking at him.  He pulled his hand from my grip and began to speak quietly.

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not." I looked up him.  Not with anger, or love, or sadness, but with nothing.  A nothingness that radiated off of me. "Leave." I demanded him.  Sam stepped forward as if he was going to speak but stopped and turned around towards the door.  He placed his hand on the doorknob and looked at me one last time before walking out of my life. 

I was nothing now.  I wasn't needed.  I felt so used and disgusted.  When the door shut was when I dropped and broke.

A/N~ Aye let me know what you guys think! And hey don't forget to follow our page on insta: destielimp67!  Don't forget to request either!


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