You Two Break Up

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I threw my hands up in the air out of frustration.  "Dean I can't do this anymore. I can't live this life! I'm not cut out for this." There had been to many deaths to deal with. All I felt was pain nowadays.

"(Y/N), You can't be serious?" I felt Dean reach for my hands and pull me close. "I understand this is hard, but I need you!" I pulled away from him and looked down.  This was all to much for me to handle.

"Dean, I can't live with all these lives stacking up on me, drowning me." I began to walk towards the door, a few tears slipping down my cheeks.

"So, this is it? This is how it's going to end, god (Y/N)...I love you so much!" I heard Dean cry out, and I held in everything, trying not to break. I turned towards Dean and gave him a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath before I began to speak again.

"Dean...I love you too. That's the hardest part of this, It's because I love you so much." And with that I  opened the door and walked out.


"(Y/N), this isn't safe for you. I can't put you through this anymore." I looked up from the current research I was doing when I heard the sound of Sam's voice, the sadness in it.

"Sammy, what are you talking about?" I looked over to see tears starting to form in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but you need to leave.  I don't want to put you in anymore danger." Sam reached over and grabbed my hand.  I felt tears begin to form in my eyes as I heard him speak the words I had forever been dreading to hear. There was an accident on the last hunt, and I left with a broken arm, but it healed, things heal.

"Sam, n-no, I won't. I'm not going to leave you." I leaned in and grabbed his face with my hands.

"(Y/N), you don't understand. This kills me, this hurts so damn bad. But I won't allow you to be traumatized or hurt again." His eyes trailed down to my arm as he held back the tears.

"Fine Sam." I stood up from the table and pushed the book away. I turned back one more time and looked back at Sam who had his head leaning over the table, tears streaming down his face. I took a deep breath and walked to the room Sam and I used to share collecting the things that belonged to me.


"Cas, you're not the same man I fell in love with years ago. You've changed." I looked at the angel standing in front of me.  "You've taken too much, claimed to much that you can't handle."

"(Y/N), you don't know what you are talking about.  You don't know what I am dealing with right now. There is so much that is going on." Castiel began pacing the room, as I looked away trying not to cry.

"That is exactly what I mean. Cas, I can't do this anymore." I felt one tear slip down my cheeks as I looked up to the man I was in love with. 

"(Y/N), please. D-do you not love me anymore...?" I saw tears began to slip down Castiels face. I quickly ran up to him and pulled him into a hug.  It took him a second before he returned the gesture and wrapped his arms around him tightly.

"No, Cas that isn't it.  I still love you, so very much, but I just don't know if I can go on like this. Cas, it just isn't the right time and place." I felt the tears began to poor out.

"(Y/N)" Cas hugged me tighter.  I pulled away and wiped a tear from his face.

"I'm sure we will be with each other again, just not now." Cas nodded at me, as I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek softly.

"I will always love you." He whispered in my ear, before I turned away and disappeared out of his life.

A/N~ Yay, two updates in one day. I think I might create an imagine where you two get back together, I'm not sure yet, so please let me know if you would like one or not.  Thank you all so much, and please don't forget to request. I hope you have an amazing easter tomorrow!

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