Castiel Imagine~ My Heart Will Go On

951 35 6

Requested by: castielslostgrace

~All rights reserved to the producers of the Titanic!!

~Titanic Theme (Lets just hope Balthazar doesn't find out!)

~P.S. Human Cas!!

"Cas! Cas!" I shouted as I ran through the corridors of hurrying people. I felt my heart jump every time my foot hit the ground, causing water to splash upwards. I could feel my ankles began to go numb due to the ice-cold water rising every second. "Cas, please! Where are you?"

"Watch out!" A man shouted towards me causing me to fall to the ground! The water soaked my dress as I watched him run away. I stood up feeling the cold hit my skin like a thousand needles repeatedly as I wiped the beginning tears away. I ran through the hallways trying not to slip as I turned on each ending. I pushed through the doors shouting for Castiel at the top of my lungs.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Cas's voice a few doors down. I ran towards it and shoved on it as hard as I could but it wouldn't budge.

"Cas, the door won't open!" I screamed throwing my body against it.

"There is a dresser pushed up against it! Try and find a a bar or something to push through the crack in the door." I agreed quickly and began searching the rooms that were near for something. The water was now up past my ankles as I dragged my feet through it. After a few minutes later I found a bed in one of the rooms that was broken. There was a bar on it that was loose enough to pull off. I tugged on the bar for a second before it easily came off. I rushed back towards the room and slid the bar in between the door and the wall.

"Cas, I found a bar, just hold on." I shouted as I pushed the dresser far enough out that I could slip in between the door and the wall.

"(Y/N), thank god! Hurry, grab that ax." Cas spoke quickly. I gave him a confused look before realizing that his hands were cuffed against a bar. I followed his directions and grabbed the ax.

"Lean back." I told him as I brought the ax back and down onto the chain. Cas jumped towards me and hugged me tightly as I dropped the ax next to me.

"Oh my god, I love you so much (Y/N)!" Cas leaned down and kissed me roughly before dragging me towards the door. I followed each footstep of his as we pushed through the water that now reached our knees. After a few wrong turns we finally reached a door up to the deck.

"Women and Children first! Hey sir I said women and children first!" I saw a man scream towards another man shoving him backwards. I looked around and saw people rushing back and forth shoving others to try and get on a boat.

"(Y/N), c'mon, there might be boats up this way." Cas dragged me towards the front of the boat. I looked around with fear plastered on my face as I realized what would happen. We weren't going to make it. I felt a strong jolt that threw forward. Cas grabbed my hand and pulled me upwards. "Quick we just need to reach the end." Cas picked me up and tried to drag me up towards the front of the boat as quickly as he could. We finally reached the front of the boat. Cas threw his arms around me tightly and held me in between him and the railing. I wrapped one arm around him and put my face in his chest. I felt the boat began to shake and large jolts at the end. I looked over Cas's shoulder and saw the boat begin to break into two. Cas looked turned his head and saw it too. "Grab on to the side!" I turned around and wrapped my arms as tightly as possible around the railing. Cas let go of me and began to climb upwards on the railing soon being completely on the opposite side of me. "Give me you're hand, I got you." I began to hesitate and started looking around. "(Y/N)!" He shouted towards me and I looked up causing ours eyes to lock. I nodded quickly and handed him one of my hands. He pulled me over the railing and slid one hand around my waist keeping me secure. The boat began to sink and I closed my eyes tightly before opening them again. "(Y/N), I need you to do everything I say okay. This boat will take us under unless once we reach the water you hold my hand and kick as strongly as you can, okay?" Cas looked me right in the eyes. I nodded and looked back down towards the water. "Trust me, okay?"

"I trust you!"

"!" I felt all the water hit me and the numbing pain shoot through my body. You know how people say that when you're dying you're life flashes before your eyes. Well it does, but not the whole thing. The memories you cherish, the most important ones, and every one of those memories I saw all had Cas in them. I felt Cas grab on to my dress but soon let go as he began to slip under. I threw my hand out searching frantically for his. After running out of breath I slipped up to the top of the water searching for Cas.

"Cas! Castiel!" I screamed out as I swam around the people. I felt a sudden pressure and my head began to slip under as I realized a man was using me to keep him up. I kicked strongly but I couldn't get him to release his grip. I pushed up and saw Cas and screamed out before I began to slip under again. Cas swam up and shouted towards the guy before having to punch him causing him to release the grip. After pushing the man away I felt Cas grab my life-jacket and begin to pull me towards a broken piece of the boat.

"Quick get on it, (Y/N)." I listened to his directions and crawled up on it. "Good. Just stay up there."

"Okay Cas"." I felt my body began to shake from the cold and I could see the same was happening to Cas. I felt a pang of sadness hit me as I looked around and saw people that I once knew, now frozen and dead. "Cas... I love you." I spoke as my voice began to crack and shake.

"Stop. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear you're good-byes because we aren't going anywhere. Listen (Y/N), you're going to get out of hear and live you're life okay? You're not dying here, not tonight! I am so happy I won that ticket because if I hadn't I would have never met you. You here me. Promise me you will survive, please. Don't give up." Cas's voice cracked on every word he said. This man that I had only known for a short time showed me show much in life. I didn't want to lose him, I didn't want to live without him, but I know that I need to do everything for him. I felt pain over whelm my body, not from the cold, but from knowing that I wouldn't see Cas again. My dear Castiel.

"Cas, I promise."

"Never let go." He spoke quietly.

"I'll never let go Cas. I'll never let go." I forced the words out of my mouth. This shouldn't have been happening. Cas leaned forward and softly kissed my hand that held his oh so tightly. We waited there for what seemed like an eternity for someone to come and save us. Soon there was a bright light that began to blind me. "Cas, Cas...they came!" I reached forward and tapped his hand. I began to shake him softly but there was no reaction, nothing. "Cas, there's a boat." I repeated his name over and over again as I fought the thought that he was dead. He couldn't be dead, we were supposed to make it out of here together! I softly placed my head back on the wood as I saw the boat began to drift away. I remembered what I had promised Cas. "Come back! Come back!" As hard as it was I pulled my hand that was tightly interlocked in his and released my grip kissing his hand softly before letting go and watching him sink.

"I'll never let go Cas."

A/N~ Can you say freaking feels! Please shoot me for writing this, because I'm pretty sure I teared up writing this at midnight. Please let me know what you think of this and don't forget to request. I love you all so much and I can't believe that I actually have over 25, 000 reads on this. Are you guys serious?!?! And more than 800 votes!!! I love you all so much! Remember "Family don't end in blood." Oh and happy #NationalSoftballDay!


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