Sam Winchester Imagine: This Is For You (Part 1)

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Heads Up: I watched Glee before this so this may have a little resemblance to the season three finale.  I'm sorry it just put me in a sad mood and well I thought I would share it with you, because I'm that nice jk I'm probably horrible for this.

"Hey, wait." Dean shouted from the other room. I finished tying my shoe and stood up to see Cas and Dean standing in the doorway.

"Yeah?" I looked over at Sam and back forward.  Dean sighed and walked forward placing his hands around me, pulling me into a tight hug.  I was a little taken back at his action.  Dean wasn't the most affectionate man I had met and this was kind of new.  I mean I can't say he has never hugged me before, but not like this.  It took me a minute before I returned the hug and pulled away. I gave him a confused look which he understood.

"Oh, just I'll miss you (Y/N)." He stuttered on the words.  I raised my eyebrows and laughed a little.
"Dean, I'll only be away from you for a couple days." He nodded at me slowly and looked back over to Sam and then to Cas. Sam and I had found a hunt and were heading out while Dean and Cas stayed to do more research on the mark.  

"Yeah, I know. It's just, I love you (Y/N)." I raised my eyebrows at the words and leaned in and hugged him again.

"I love you too Dean, but are you okay?" I asked him in a concerned tone.  Something was going on and I couldn't quite understand it.  I felt that weird lump in my throat start to grow as I contemplated reasons behind this.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He nodded and stepped back next to Cas.  Castiel then looked at Dean and walked forward. With out speaking he dragged me into a tight hug, just like Dean's.  I mimicked my actions from earlier unsure of what was really happening.

"I love you." Cas sighed into the hug.  It took me a minute to get the words out, but I did. It was just I was so confused. 

"I-I love you too Cas." I stated though it came out sort of as a question. Cas pulled away from the hug and walked back towards Dean but never brought his eyes back up to mine.  I looked back over to Sam and placed my hand in his.

"I'll see you guys soon, okay." I smiled at them thought I felt like tears were going to just burst out of me.  I had that feeling inside that something bad was happening. That fearful feeling.

"See you soon." Dean nodded, while Castiel kept is eyes on the ground. I looked up to Sam slowly and nodded.

"Okay, lets go.  Bye Dean, bye Cas." Sam nodded to both Cas and Dean. Dean nodded and looked over to Cas, nudging him to look up.  Castiel slowly looked up and it seemed to be that his eyes were watering.  I reached down next to Sam and grabbed my suitcase before nodded to both boys and starting to walk out of the bunker. I was silent as we got into the impala. Sam was the one to break the silence. After about an hour Sam broke the silence.

"So, (Y/N)." He began to speak, but I cut him off.

"What was that about?" I looked at him.  He continued to stare at the road as he answered.
"I'm not sure." He wouldn't look me which I knew meant he was lying.  Whenever he lies he doesn't look at me like he has a guilty feeling inside.

"Don't lie to me Sam." I told him confidently.  I honestly didn't want us to be arguing the whole time but I still had that unsure feeling. Sam continued to stare forward at the road ahead. "Sam, look at me." But Sam didn't budge.

"C-Can we please just not fight right now." I watched Sam place his hand over mine. I looked down and back up at him.

"Y-Yeah." I nodded. "We don't need to." I tightened my grip on his hand.  I leaned against his shoulder and pulled our intertwined hands up and kissed his hand, before closing my eyes and drifting off. 

I was awoken by what seemed to be a soft cry.  I pulled away from Sam, just enough to where I could still be close to him, but could also see.  I felt awful when I actually saw him.  The dry tear stains on his cheeks.  The tears that were still trailing down.

"Sam?" I felt my voice cracked as I looked up at him.  He brought his cheek to the opposite shoulder of me and wiped it on his shoulder.  I brought my hand that wasn't in his and wiped a tear off of his cheek. "Babe, what's wrong?" I looked at him but he didn't answer.  I looked forward and saw that we were in front of some airport. "What are we doing here?"

"Your flight number is 675 and it leaves at 6:15." He stated.

"W-what?" I felt a tear slip down.

"(Y/N), you don't want this life.  I know it.  You never did." He sighed as he stopped the car and looked at me.

"N-no.  Sam I don't want to leave you." I turned towards him as more tears fell.  Like I couldn't control them, no matter how hard I tried.  I had finally realized everything that was going on.  Dean and Cas, that was the last time I would see them.

"(Y/N).  You hate this.  I know that. I want you to be safe. " Sam argued.  I couldn't do this.  I felt like all my walls were closing in.
"Sam, but I love you, I'm safer with you." I whispered. 

"This is why I'm doing this. Because I love you." Sam took both of his hands and pulled me towards him. "I know this sounds cheesy, but.  If you love something you're supposed to let it go and if it comes back then it was truly yours, but if it doesn't it never really was." Sam's voice continued to crack through every word. "You're going to go live your life and if we end up back together then it was meant to be, but if not.  You're going to find a great man, with a normal life, and you'll have kids and they'll grow up and everything will be okay." I couldn't stop the crying anymore.  This couldn't actually be happening.

"Sam." I wept.  Sam leaned forward and placed his lips on mine.  This could be our last kiss.  This could be the last form of any affection.  Thoughts flooded my mind as our lips moved in sync.  Sam was the one to pull away, though I continued to crave the thought of his lips still on mine.  He looked me in the eyes once more before getting out and pulling my suitcase out of the back seat.  I took a deep breath and got out too, flattening my shirt.  Sam walked around the car and stood by me before putting his hand in mine and walking me towards the airport doors.  I brought my free hand up and wiped the tears that sat on my cheeks.

It felt like we were at the door within seconds.  Like time was being stolen from me and I couldn't do anything. Seconds later we were in line to go through the medal detectors. I stood still for a second as Sam placed my suitcase onto the counter.  Sam then turned around and placed both hands on my cheeks pulling me towards him and kissing me strongly.  I stood there still admiring him.  He pulled his lips off mine, but kept his forehead rested on mine. 

"I love you." He breathed out.  

"I love you too." I sniffled and nodded.  Sam pulled away and hugged me one last time before letting go and stepping away from me.  I took a deep breath and walked forward through the medal detectors.  I then pulled my suitcase off the table and looked back at Sam.  He stood there with his shoulders hunched forward as he forced a small smile on his face.  I looked at him reassuringly and turned around to start walking towards the planes.  I knew one thing for sure though.

I would see Sam Winchester again.

A/N~ Tbh I cried writing this. Yeah.


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