You Are All Important

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Hey hunters.  Okay I'm sure you all are annoyed that I am adding another A/N, and I get it, I'm sorry.  But I feel like this is kind of needed.  So I am sure that everyone of you guys have had a time come up that you just needed someone to talk to.  I'll be honest, I have.  So I wanted to let you guys know that, I'm here for you to vent right now.  I'm sure everyone in this fandom is. 

So below or in my direct messages you can write/ say something that has been on your mind lately.  You could say something that has been on your chest lately or how your day went.  Or you could even just post a complement about someone else.  Anything.

So I'll post something that I have been thinking about lately.
So I honestly feel like an awful person sometimes.  No matter how much I try not to I end up talking rudely about someone, like someone on my softball team.   I talk really fast and I talk a lot, like to the point were I think I annoy everybody.  I honestly feel like people hate me and talk awful about me.  Like no one can actually stand me, and I hate that.  That I am so self conscious about myself that I don't want to talk at all sometimes.  I just feel like Im that person that no one can stand, and it sucks.

So yeah, that's been on my chest lately and I just needed to say it. 

I also want to say that I am working on another update, so thank you all for all you votes, reads, and comments. You guys are amazing.

So lets end with a cute gif of Jensen/Dean then


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