Castiel Imagine~ Along For The Ride

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(First thank you all so much for the prayers for my mom, it means so much, and it shows how amazing you guys are. "Family don't end in blood")

Requested by: thestupidcat33

"Cas, it isn't that hard, I promise, watch." I pushed off of the ground with my black vans and begin to fly against the pavement. I turned around towards Cas and smiled as I continued to roll against the pavement on my worn out-black skateboard that I got when I was sixteen. I slowly brought the board to a stop and picked it up jogging back towards Cas. "See."

"I don't understand the point in this contraption..." Cas looked at me confused, while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Its fun, It gives you this adrenaline that just, I don't know. Hey look though, just think if you fall you can't get hurt really." I smiled brightly and handed him the skate board. He placed it on the ground next to him and looked back towards me. "I have an idea, wait here." I told him before running into the bunker towards my room. Once I reached it I jogged towards my closet and pulled out an old cardboard box. Inside were old memories from when I was younger. I dug under a few picture frames and an old stuffed bear until I found what I was looking for. I grabbed the knee-pads, elbow-pads, and helmet and headed back outside but was cut off by Dean.

"What are you doing with those?" He gave me a confused look motioning towards the items in my hand.

"I'm teaching Cas to skateboard." I smiled brightly before turning to head back towards the door.

"Uh, good luck I guess?" He told me before leaving the room. I continued back outside where I found Cas still standing in the exact same spot as before.

"Here, put these on." I smiled brightly as I placed them in his hands.

"Uh...Okay." He answered unsurely as he begin to slip each one over his arm and legs. After he finished I gave him the helmet and he put it on.

"Alright, give me you're hand." I reached forward and grabbed his hand and helping him onto the skateboard. "Ready?" I walked behind him and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Uh...No, I don't think I am." He spoke with a shaken voice.

"Here I'll stay on the back, you just keep you feet on it and balance in the center." I told him before pushing my foot off the ground and holding on to him tightly. I heard him take a big gasp of air before he slowly began to loosen up and place his hands on mine. After about a minute I stopped the skateboard and he stepped off turning towards me.

"Wow, that was actually very entertaining and amusing (Y/N)." He hugged me tightly. I pulled away and placed a strand of hair out of my face and back behind my ear.

"See I told you, easy." I reached forward and placed a kiss on his lips, something I had never done before which took me even a little aback. I saw his face turn a light shade of pink before he cleared his throat a little bit. "Uh, do you uh want to go again." I scratched the back of my neck before looking back up at him.

"Yeah I would like that."

A/N~ Hey finally an update! Yay, please don't forget to request! Thank you all so much for all prayers for my mom, I love you all so much!! Again let me know what you think and request!!


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