Dean Winchester Imagine~ We're Not All Monsters

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Requested by: Taylor16Renae

Dean's POV:

"Shit Sammy, there's more than I thought in there. Check how much Dead-Mans blood we have." I told Sam, before getting out of the Impala.

"Looks like we have enough, we just need to watch our backs in there." Sam replied, before grabbing up all the Dead-Mans blood and the required weapons.

"Okay, let's go." I grabbed my demon blade and slide it in my coat pocket. Sam and I walked up to the side of the building, carefully peering in. "Son of a Bitch." I mumbled. "There's at least twenty in there!" I turned around, but to only see two more vampires behind Sam. "Sammy!" I screamed before being thrown into the wall, and blacking out.

Your POV:
Stupid hunters, if they would have just stayed out of the way, I could have killed those filthy vamps. I thought to myself before entering the building full of vampires. I knew I wasn't like those things, I was different. I didn't want to hurt people. I could smell the two men I had seen minutes before, and searched the building, trying to stay out of sight.

I finally found the room, which was located down in the basement. I peered in to where the two hunters sat. Wow, they are pretty darn cute, I thought to myself. I cracked the door open just a little bit, slowly peering in to see if there was anyone else in the room. After seeing no one, I stepped in. I walked over to the one with shorter hair and pulled my blade out to cut the ropes holding him back. Half way through cutting the ropes, he shook awake.

"Back the hell up!" He shouted in my face, waking the boy sitting next to him.

"Shut up! I'm trying too help you, and if you don't cooperate then we are all dead!" I whisper/shouted back at him.

"Who are...?" The taller one began to speak before the door opened loudly behind I. I turned around to see two vamps, the ones that took the hunters, appear. I pulled out your blade, and flashed my fangs before attacking them. I quickly cut off the first vamp's head, before I was thrown across the room into a table, breaking it in half. I quickly got back up, pouncing back, bearing my blade, and stabbed the second vampire. I quickly pulled the blade out of the vamps chest and cut it's head off.

I turned around to the two hunters, who were sitting in shock. "Your a vampire?" The taller one questioned me.

"Yes, now just let me finish getting you free before more come." I rushed over by the short-haired boy and continued to cut the ropes.

"And how in the Hell are we supposed to know you aren't going to just kill us after?" He snapped back at me.

"I just saved your ass, I could leave you here or you could let me help you!" I spoke back.

"Dammit Dean, shut up and let her get us out of here." The taller one told "Dean". I finished cutting both hunters free and started to head back from the way I came. After reaching outside, without getting caught, Dean pulled me aside, as the other one began to walk to the car. I really needed to figure out his name, I felt kinda of bad just considering him as the other one.

"Thanks a lot for saving my brother and I back there. I really owe you one." He spoke, making eye contact.

"Don't worry about it, I just want to point out. I'm not like those things in there. I'm different. I don't hunt people." I told him.

"I know that now." He smiled back.

"I should really get going, before they find their buddies dead. You two should head out too." I spoke before getting ready to walk away.

"Hey...uh?" Dean questioned.


"(Y/N), do you want a ride? I mean, we owe you one, and we can't just leave these vamps here. We plan on coming back, and we could really use some help." Dean spoke nervously.

"Sure." I smiled back, and followed him to the car. Dean explained to his brother and he agreed, but insisted we needed a good nights sleep, and more Dead-Mans blood before returning. I headed towards the back of the car when I  heard Dean speak up.

"Hey Sam, you cool with (Y/N) sitting up front." Finally, I know his name now I laughed to myself, before looking at Sam. He looked at Dean a little shocked before agreeing and getting in the back seat.

I hopped in looking at Dean before he spoke up, "Let's go." and drove out. I could get used to being with these guys I thought to myself.

A/N Sorry for the late update, but I just wanted to get it up tonight. I was just very busy today, but let me know what you think please! Don't forget to request!

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