The Reverse French Mistake (Part 1)

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Jensen's P.O.V.

I rolled over and scratched my forehead as I began to force myself out of bed.   I was a little shocked as I realized I hadn't heard J.J. cry once last night.  She was getting better at not waking up in the middle of the night which was definitely better for Danneel and I.  I reached over and placed a hand over the section of the bed that I assumed would be taken up by Danneel but no one was there.  Confused I looked up and saw the I was in Dean's room of the bunker.
"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself wondering how tired was I that I slept here last night and no one said anything.  I got up and walked out of the door which I expected to lead me off the bunker set but I was still here.  I walked up and down the hall as I began to panic.  I continued to mumble words under my breath as I searched up and down the halls.

"Jensen?" I turned around to the familiar voice of Jared behind me.

"Jared, thank god." I walked up to him. He had a look of fear plastered across his face. "What the hell is going on here?" I asked him in a worried tone.
"I-I don't know." He scratched his head before going wide-eyed.

"What?" I asked him quickly.  Honestly I couldn't focus very well right now.  I had a little girl and wife I needed to get back too.

"I know this is going to sound really dumb." Jared began to explain.

"Just tell me." I demanded.

"Well you remember the episode, "The French Mistake"?" He asked me.  I nodded but immediately began to shake my head.
"No, no, no.  This is not happening, it's probably a dream." I shrugged as I began to speak quickly and pace back and forth. "How the hell would that even happen?"

"Maybe when we were rehearsing we said something, something in enochian or real latin? Something that sent us here?" Jared explained.  I threw my hands up in the are angrily.
"Well how the hell do we get out of here?!" I exclaimed. "I can't be a hunter! You can't be a hunter! We have familes to get back too!" I spoke in a scared tone.

"Calm down Jensen. I know." Jared tried to help me cool off. I took a deep breath and nodded. I began thinking and got ready to talk when I was cut off by a familiar voice.
"Dean, Sam, I need to talk to you guys." I heard Misha speak behind us.
"Misha." We both sighed in a relieved tone.

"Who is Misha?" He asked me. 

"You, you're Misha. Cut it out this isn't funny dude." I told him, annoyed.
"No, I'm Castiel, or as you guys like to call me Cas." Misha, I mean, Cas told us.
"Dammit." I groaned. "In the show, Misha was still Misha, he didn't change." I whispered to Jared who sighed and nodded.

"M-I mean Cas, we aren't Sam and Dean." Jared tried to explain to "Cas". "We are Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles.  We are actors who play Sam and Dean.  In our universe Supernatural is a show." Castiel stood there and leaned his head to one side as he contemplated Jared's statement.

"You mean that you aren't really Sam and you aren't Dean?" He raised his eyebrows and we both agreed. "Then we need to get you out of here now.  We have issues going on right now and I don't need you two useless men in the way." I looked at Jared annoyed at Cas's comment. 

"Well what should we do, because I can tell you one thing.  I'm not hunting down anything." I stated firmly.
"I don't expect you too.  You only know how to use fake props and fake fighting, again useless." I swear Cas could be a complete ass sometimes I thought to myself.  I was kind of missing Misha's personality at this moment. "You too just stay here and don't get into anything, I'll be back." And with that statement Cas was gone and I was mentally stabbing myself as I walked into the closest room with a bed and threw myself onto it.  This was going to be a long day.

A/N~ Please let me know what you think! And don't forget to check out my new story, "The True Fighter." Also please request, and oh my god almost 40,000 views I'm crying. I love you all so much! You're amazing!


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